Die Foren-SW läuft ohne erkennbare Probleme. Sollte doch etwas nicht funktionieren, bitte gerne hier jederzeit melden und wir kümmern uns zeitnah darum. Danke!

Absturz beim Formatieren der virt.Festplatte im Gast (XP)

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung des VMware Player und VMware Workstation Player.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Absturz beim Formatieren der virt.Festplatte im Gast (XP)

Beitragvon EarlGray » 26.08.2007, 14:41

Hallo Gemeinde,

Ich habe folgendes Problem: Bei der Installation des XP Gasts (genauer, wenn XP versucht die virtuelle Festplatte mit NTFS zu formatieren) stürzt der Player nach ein paar Minuten intensiver Festplattenaktivität sang und klanglos ab. Der Fortschrittsbalken hat sich keinen Millimeter bewegt.

Ich habe als Host Linux (Edgy Eft) mit einer 160GB Platte. Diese ist in eine Primäre und eine erweiterte Partition mit 6 logischen Partitionen unterteilt. Die 6. logische Partition ist die für das vmdk File und liegt an den letzten 1500 Zylindern der Platte. Sie ist mit reiserfs formatiert.

PS: habe mal Versucht das Ganze mit VirtualBox zu machen, und habe interessanterweise das gleiche Problem!

Hat hierzu jjemand eine Idee?

Im voraus schon mal vielen Dank.

Beiträge: 2237
Registriert: 21.09.2005, 00:12

Beitragvon stefan.becker » 26.08.2007, 16:21

Platte kaputt, Filesystem kaputt, Partition voll?

Prüfe erstmal den freien Platz und die Konsistenz des Filesystems.

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 26.08.2007, 17:14

verwendest du preallocated disks ? - eine normale growing disk waere normaler weise nach ein paar Sekunden formatiert ...

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 26.08.2007, 22:08

An einen Dateisystemfehler habe ich auch schon gedacht. Die Platte ist neu und ich habe die Partition mehrfach neu angelegt, formatiert und einen check mit reiserfsck gemacht. Sah alles ok aus. Ich kann ganz normal mit der Partition arbeiten.

Ich verwende keine preallocated Disk, sondern growing Disks. Habe schon mal versucht die vmdk mittels qemu-img zu erzeugen. Mit dem gleichen Ergebnis.

Habe auch schon mal eine virtuelle Maschine mit EasyVMX erzeugt. Hier werden mehrere kleinere vmdk Dateien angelegt - aber gleiches Ergebnis.

Kann man nicht irgendwelche Log Dateien auswerten?

Danke im voraus.

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 26.08.2007, 22:37

Ja klar -schick mal das vmware.log

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 27.08.2007, 19:54

Hallo zusammen,

wie gewünscht stelle ich mal mein Log File nach dem Absturz und das vmx File zur verfügung. Ich kann darin nichts auffälliges entdecken. Ich habe das ganze eben noch mal probiert. Der Versuch des formatierens dauert geschlagene 17 Minuten mit maximaler Plattenaktivität.
Der XP Installer meldet vor Beginn der Formatierung (das ist auch rischtig) eine fabrikneue Partition C: mit 61xx MB gefunden zu haben.

Ich habe gesehen, daß auch ein core File angelegt wurde. Ich habe aber keine Idee wie man ein core File auswertet.

Für Eure Hilfe und Tipps schon mal vielen Dank im voraus.
(3.1 KiB) 53-mal heruntergeladen

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 27.08.2007, 19:58

Sory, das Anhängen des Log Files klappt nicht, deshalb der zweite Versuch auf diese Art:

Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| Log for VMware Player pid=4763 version=1.0.2 build=build-29634 option=Release
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| Command line: "/usr/lib/vmware-player/bin/vmware-vmx" "-@" "pipe=/tmp/vmware-becker/vmx894fa7c58e34ef11;vm=894fa7c58e34ef11" "/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmx"
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '/tmp/vmware-becker/vmx894fa7c58e34ef11' with user '(null)'
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| Using system libcrypto, version 9070BF
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID numEntries=1 AuthcAMDenti
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID version=0x642 id1.edx=0x183f9ff id1.ecx=0x0 id1.ebx=0x0
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID id80.eax=80000006 id81.edx=0xc1c7f9ff id81.ecx=0x0
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| CPUID id1.edx: 0x183f9ff id1.ecx: 0 id81.edx: 0xc1c7f9ff id81.ecx: 0
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| CPUID id88.ecx: 0 id88.edx: 0
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| Setup symlink /var/run/vmware/%2fmedia%2fhdb10%2fvmware%2dimages%2fEasyVMX%2fWindows%5fXP%5fHome%2evmx -> /var/run/vmware/becker/4763
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| ACL_InitCapabilities: here 1 (bug 63252)
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| changing directory to /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/.
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| Config file: /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmx
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| changing directory to /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/.
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| VMXVmdbCbVmVmxExecState: Exec state change requested to state poweredOn without reset
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| TOOLS delaying state change request to state 3
Aug 27 19:12:00: vmx| PowerOn
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Host ACPI: can't find SRAT
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| HOST sysname Linux, nodename apollo, release 2.6.17-12-generic, version #2 SMP Mon Jul 16 19:37:58 UTC 2007, machine i686, SMP, hz=250
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.grabOnKeyPress = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.eula.0.appName = VMware Player
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.eula.0.buildNumber = 29634
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.eula.size = 1
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.autoFitFullScreen = fitHostToGuest
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.destString =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.user =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkLast = 1188059619
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT webUpdate.lastCheck.status = done_updates
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.exit.vmAction = poweroff
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.deviceBarToplevel = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos0.index = 6
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos0.vmPath = /vm/#a44f5a802b342936/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos0.geometry = 648x539+41+220
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos1.index = 5
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos1.vmPath = /vm/#6d76686021f8bd33/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos1.geometry = 1032x827+24+25
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos2.index = 4
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos2.vmPath = /vm/#d13df65cc1398485/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos2.geometry = 1160x924+53+25
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos3.index = 3
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos3.vmPath = /vm/#43129b9928ebaf8b/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos3.geometry = 648x533+542+337
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos4.index = 2
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos4.vmPath = /vm/#59445297642a8712/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos4.geometry = 648x533+266+307
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos5.index = 1
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos5.vmPath = /vm/#37b1d9230cbb4e7f/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos5.geometry = 728x453+0+461
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos6.index = 0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos6.vmPath = /vm/#894fa7c58e34ef11/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos6.geometry = 728x449+291+250
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlyaddress =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlynetmask =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT control.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-cmd
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT loop.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-loop
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmnet-dhcpd
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT libdir = /usr/lib/vmware-player
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.help = introduction.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.configurationEditor = config_editor_newvm.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.ideConfig = devices_virtualdrive.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.floppyConfig = devices_floppy.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.mouseConfig = devices_mouse.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.netConfig = devices_netadapter.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.parallelConfig = devices_parallel.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.serialConfig = devices_serial.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.soundConfig = devices_sound.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.memConfig = configvm_memory.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.miscConfig = configvm.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.usbConfig = devices_usb.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.displayConfig = configvm_display-problems.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT config.version = 8
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 4
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT guestOS = winxphome
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT displayName = Windows_XP_Home
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT guestinfo.vmware.product.url = http://www.easyvmx.com/
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT guestinfo.vmware.product.class = virtual machine
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT numvcpus = 1
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT memsize = 256
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT MemAllowAutoScaleDown = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT MemTrimRate = -1
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT uuid.action = create
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT hints.hideAll = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tools.syncTime = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT usb.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT usb.generic.autoconnect = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT serial0.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT serial0.fileName = Auto Detect
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT serial0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT serial0.hardwareFlowControl = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT serial1.present = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.fileName = Auto Detect
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.bidirectional = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT sound.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT sound.virtualdev = es1371
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT logging = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT log.fileName = Windows_XP_Home.log
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT log.append = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT log.keepOld = 1
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.hgfs.disable = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.dnd.disable = FALSE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.copy.enable = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.paste.enabled = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.virtualDev = e1000
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.connectionType = nat
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.addressType = generated
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT floppy0.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT floppy0.startConnected = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT floppy0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = Windows_XP_Home.vmdk
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.mode = persistent
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.startConnected = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.writeThrough = TRUE
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlyaddress =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlynetmask =
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT control.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-cmd
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT loop.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-loop
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmnet-dhcpd
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT libdir = /usr/lib/vmware-player
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.help = introduction.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.configurationEditor = config_editor_newvm.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.ideConfig = devices_virtualdrive.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.floppyConfig = devices_floppy.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.mouseConfig = devices_mouse.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.netConfig = devices_netadapter.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.parallelConfig = devices_parallel.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.serialConfig = devices_serial.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.soundConfig = devices_sound.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.memConfig = configvm_memory.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.miscConfig = configvm.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.usbConfig = devices_usb.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.displayConfig = configvm_display-problems.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.guestos.xp (shown)
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=320 recommended=320
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| hostMem=384 maxAllowedAll=4096 maxAllowedVM=3600
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| totOverhead=16
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 320
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| WSSCAN: Overhead 71921 paged 5534 nonpaged 4096 maxFBSize
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| WSSCAN 1 1 81920 -1 81920 -1 50 0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| LICENSE: Running in restricted mode
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Host CPUID features: version 0x642 id1.edx 0x183f9ff id1.ecx 0x0 id81.edx 0xc1c7f9ff id81.ecx 0x0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x403d4e00
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x642 id1.edx 0x183fbff id1.ecx 0x0 id81.edx 0xc1c7fbff id81.ecx 0x0 id88.ecx 0x0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x483d4e00
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| KHZEstimate 705030
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| MHZEstimate 705
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| UUID: canonical path is /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmx
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| UUID: Writing uuid.bios 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| UUID: Writing uuid.location 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| MM: Using partialmap, 65536 pages AC 0 CE 1 TM 0 DOHU 0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| UUID: canonical path is /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmx
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| MM: using fileName /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/564d51fe-5d81-81c8-3a8b-e89aa25a7576.vmem for paging
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Msg_Reset:
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| ----------------------------------------
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Opened paging file /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/564d51fe-5d81-81c8-3a8b-e89aa25a7576.vmem
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| AIOGNRC: Starting 4 I/O threads.
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISK: OPEN ide0:0 '/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk' persistent R[(null)]
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "Windows_XP_Home-s001.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [1]: "Windows_XP_Home-s002.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [2]: "Windows_XP_Home-s003.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [3]: "Windows_XP_Home-s004.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened '/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk' (0x2a): twoGbMaxExtentSparse, 12582912 sectors / 6144 Mb.
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk" (flags 0x2a).
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISK: OPEN '/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk' Geo (12483/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=11740Mb
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 734914673960 @ 705030000Hz -> 734914673960 @ 705030000Hz
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.tools.toolsReminder (shown)
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| No valid NVRAM file found, will create default NVRAM.
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| XINFO X fd is 46
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| XINFO depth 24 bpp 32 class 4
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| XINFO WARNING: XF86MISC version 0.9
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| VT redirected kernel output to /dev/tty1
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 704927 kHz
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks, dontClusterSize is 128
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:5a:75:76
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| E1000: checksum cycles/kB: C=824 asm=368
Aug 27 19:12:01: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| Async MKS thread is alive
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| Connecting to window system.
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO X fd is 46
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO depth 24 bpp 32 class 4
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO WARNING: XF86MISC version 0.9
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| VT redirected kernel output to /dev/tty1
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| rasterops MMXEXT accelerations enabled
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO unsupported XF86VidMode version: 2.2
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 0: 1280x1024 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 1: 1024x768 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 2: 832x624 flags: 0xa
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 3: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 4: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 5: 1280x1024 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 6: 1280x960 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 7: 1280x800 flags: 0x0
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 8: 1152x864 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 9: 1280x768 flags: 0x0
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 10: 1024x768 flags: 0xa
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 11: 1024x768 flags: 0xa
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 12: 960x600 flags: 0x20
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 13: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 14: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 15: 800x600 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 16: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 17: 840x525 flags: 0x20
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 18: 700x525 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 19: 700x525 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 20: 640x512 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 21: 640x512 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 22: 720x450 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 23: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 24: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 25: 640x480 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 26: 640x400 flags: 0x20
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 27: 576x432 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 28: 640x384 flags: 0x20
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 29: 512x384 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 30: 512x384 flags: 0x2a
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 31: 512x384 flags: 0x2a
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 32: 416x312 flags: 0x2a
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 33: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 34: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 35: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 36: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 37: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 38: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 39: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Aug 27 19:12:01: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Aug 27 19:12:02: vcpu-0| PShare: enabled 1, scanRate 32, checkRate 16
Aug 27 19:12:02: vcpu-0| guestCpuFeatures = 0x483d4e00
Aug 27 19:12:02: vcpu-0| Init modules.
Aug 27 19:12:02: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : capacity=12582912
Aug 27 19:12:02: vcpu-0| CPU reset: hard
Aug 27 19:12:02: vmx| VNET: Notification enabled for Ethernet0
Aug 27 19:12:02: vmx| Msg_Question:
Aug 27 19:12:02: vmx| [msg.noAutodetectBackingQuestion] Cannot connect virtual device parallel0. No corresponding device is available on the host.
Aug 27 19:12:02: vmx|
Aug 27 19:12:02: vmx| Would you like an attempt to be made to connect this virtual device every time you power on the virtual machine?----------------------------------------
Aug 27 19:12:13: vmx| Msg_Question: msg.noAutodetectBackingQuestion reply=1
Aug 27 19:12:13: vmx| Msg_Post: Warning
Aug 27 19:12:13: vmx| [msg.device.startdisconnected] Virtual device parallel0 will start disconnected.
Aug 27 19:12:13: vmx| ----------------------------------------
Aug 27 19:12:15: vmx| serial0: Using auto detect backend /dev/ttyS1.
Aug 27 19:12:15: vmx| FLOPPY-MAIN : Using autodetect backend /dev/fd0 for floppy0.
Aug 27 19:12:15: vmx| CDROM: Using autodetect backend /dev/cdrom for ide1:0.
Aug 27 19:12:15: vmx| CDROM: Implementing mediaChange workaround.
Aug 27 19:12:15: vmx| CDROM: SEND PACKET API Heuristic active.
Aug 27 19:12:15: vmx| CDROM: Using SG_IO ioctl for pass-through.
Aug 27 19:12:15: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:15: vcpu-0| sz=3116384
Aug 27 19:12:15: vcpu-0| vmm32 initialized: Releasebuild-29634. cflags: 0x00000002.01803000.00000054
Aug 27 19:12:15: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0x0) and 0xec000000(0x0)
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10c0 (0x0)
Aug 27 19:12:16: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 27 19:12:16: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:16: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:16: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:16: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:17: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:17: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:17: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Aug 27 19:12:17: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Aug 27 19:12:17: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:17: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Aug 27 19:12:18: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 12483 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 12582912
Aug 27 19:12:20: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Aug 27 19:12:21: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:21: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:22: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:22: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:22: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:22: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:22: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:22: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:25: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0x2000
Aug 27 19:12:27: vmx| DISK: DISK/CDROM timeout of 1.016 seconds on ide1:0 (ok)
Aug 27 19:12:27: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:27: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:27: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:27: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:28: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:37: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:37: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:37: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:38: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:39: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:12:39: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:13:10: vmx| DISK: DISK/CDROM timeout of 3.257 seconds on ide1:0 (ok)
Aug 27 19:13:36: mks| MKS lock got type None
Aug 27 19:14:53: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:14:55: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Aug 27 19:14:56: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x10c0 (0x10c0)
Aug 27 19:14:56: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 27 19:14:56: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10c0 (0x0)
Aug 27 19:14:56: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 27 19:14:58: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Aug 27 19:15:02: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 12483 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 12582912
Aug 27 19:15:03: vcpu-0| VIDE: (0x170) Rep INSW ATAPI Unknown Cmd 0xa4 Data len 8
Aug 27 19:15:06: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 27 19:15:50: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:15:51: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : read: syserror Input/output error.
Aug 27 19:22:46: vmx| TOOLS setting the tools version to '0'

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 27.08.2007, 20:48

Ist schon richtig so mit dem log - attachements guvck ich mir nicht an.
Anyway - nimm als erstes mal das Floppy raus - die Sache haengt deswegen:

floppy0.present = "TRUE"

aender das mal in "false"

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 27.08.2007, 23:19

Ich habe es gerade mal ohne floppy probiert - leider mit wenig Erfolg. Der einzige Unterschied ist, daß kein core File mehr geschrieben wurde, Ansonsten leider das gleiche verhalten. Ich poste aber noch mal mein vmx File. Vielleich kann man hier noch etwas erkennen.

Danke schön.


# Filename: Windows_XP_Home.vmx
# Generated 2007-08-26;14:28:23 by EasyVMX!
# http://www.easyvmx.com

# This is a Workstation 5 or 5.5 config file
# It can be used with Player
config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "4"

# Selected operating system for your virtual machine
guestOS = "winxphome"

# displayName is your own name for the virtual machine
displayName = "Windows_XP_Home"

# These fields are free text description fields
guestinfo.vmware.product.url = "http://www.easyvmx.com/"
guestinfo.vmware.product.class = "virtual machine"

# Number of virtual CPUs. Your virtual machine will not
# work if this number is higher than the number of your physical CPUs
numvcpus = "1"

# Memory size and other memory settings
memsize = "256"
MemAllowAutoScaleDown = "FALSE"
MemTrimRate = "-1"

# Unique ID for the virtual machine will be created
uuid.action = "create"

# Remind to install VMware Tools
# This setting has no effect in VMware Player
tools.remindInstall = "TRUE"

# Startup hints interfers with automatic startup of a virtual machine
# This setting has no effect in VMware Player
hints.hideAll = "TRUE"

# Enable time synchronization between computer
# and virtual machine
tools.syncTime = "TRUE"

# USB settings
# This config activates USB
usb.present = "TRUE"
usb.generic.autoconnect = "FALSE"

# First serial port, physical COM1 is available
serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.fileName = "Auto Detect"
serial0.autodetect = "TRUE"
serial0.hardwareFlowControl = "TRUE"

# Optional second serial port, physical COM2 is not available
serial1.present = "FALSE"

# First parallell port, physical LPT1 is available
parallel0.present = "TRUE"
parallel0.fileName = "Auto Detect"
parallel0.autodetect = "TRUE"
parallel0.bidirectional = "TRUE"

# Sound settings
sound.present = "TRUE"
sound.virtualdev = "es1371"

# Logging
# This config activates logging, and keeps last log
logging = "TRUE"
log.fileName = "Windows_XP_Home.log"
log.append = "TRUE"
log.keepOld = "1"

# These settings decides interaction between your
# computer and the virtual machine
isolation.tools.hgfs.disable = "FALSE"
isolation.tools.dnd.disable = "FALSE"
isolation.tools.copy.enable = "TRUE"
isolation.tools.paste.enabled = "TRUE"

# First network interface card
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
ethernet0.connectionType = "nat"
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"

# Settings for physical floppy drive
floppy0.present = "FALSE"
floppy0.startConnected = "TRUE"
floppy0.autodetect = "TRUE"

# Settings for physical CDROM drive
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"
ide1:0.startConnected = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect"
ide1:0.autodetect = "TRUE"

# First IDE disk, size 6Gb
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"
ide0:0.fileName = "Windows_XP_Home.vmdk"
ide0:0.mode = "persistent"
ide0:0.startConnected = "TRUE"
ide0:0.writeThrough = "TRUE"


ide0:0.redo = ""
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:5a:75:76"
uuid.location = "56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76"
uuid.bios = "56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76"
parallel0.startConnected = "FALSE"

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 27.08.2007, 23:31

Bitte verwende niemals diese Zeile - wenn du dir spaeter mal etwas wirklich schwer zerschiesst - machst du dir alle Moeglichkeiten zu nichte etwas wiederherzustellen

log.keepOld = "1" ---- bitte loeschen

ansonsten setz mal
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"


ide1:0.deviceType = "atapi-cdrom"

und poste wieder das log - falls es immer nocht nicht geht

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 28.08.2007, 18:08

Ich habe das mal probiert:

Ergebnis: fast gleich, der Absturz des Players erfolgt etwas zügiger, Allerdings musste ich den Rechner danach neu starten, da der X-Server keine Taststureingaben mehr zuließ :-(

Übrigens danke an continuum für Deine geduldige Hilfe. Ich habe ja immer noch Hoffnung ...

Vielleicht sollte ich mal sukzessive alle im vmx File eingebundene Hardware rausnehmen ?

Anbei das aktuellste Log File und noch mal vielen Dank !

Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Log for VMware Player pid=4664 version=1.0.2 build=build-29634 option=Release
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Command line: "/usr/lib/vmware-player/bin/vmware-vmx" "-@" "pipe=/tmp/vmware-becker/vmx894fa7c58e34ef11;vm=894fa7c58e34ef11" "/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmx"
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '/tmp/vmware-becker/vmx894fa7c58e34ef11' with user '(null)'
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Using system libcrypto, version 9070BF
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID numEntries=1 AuthcAMDenti
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID version=0x642 id1.edx=0x183f9ff id1.ecx=0x0 id1.ebx=0x0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID id80.eax=80000006 id81.edx=0xc1c7f9ff id81.ecx=0x0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| CPUID id1.edx: 0x183f9ff id1.ecx: 0 id81.edx: 0xc1c7f9ff id81.ecx: 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| CPUID id88.ecx: 0 id88.edx: 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Setup symlink /var/run/vmware/%2fmedia%2fhdb10%2fvmware%2dimages%2fEasyVMX%2fWindows%5fXP%5fHome%2evmx -> /var/run/vmware/becker/4664
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| ACL_InitCapabilities: here 1 (bug 63252)
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| changing directory to /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/.
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Config file: /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmx
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| VMXVmdbCbVmVmxExecState: Exec state change requested to state poweredOn without reset
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| TOOLS delaying state change request to state 3
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| PowerOn
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Host ACPI: can't find SRAT
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| HOST sysname Linux, nodename apollo, release 2.6.17-12-generic, version #2 SMP Mon Jul 16 19:37:58 UTC 2007, machine i686, SMP, hz=250
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.grabOnKeyPress = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.eula.0.appName = VMware Player
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.eula.0.buildNumber = 29634
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.eula.size = 1
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.autoFitFullScreen = fitHostToGuest
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.destString =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.user =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkLast = 1188059619
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT webUpdate.lastCheck.status = done_updates
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.exit.vmAction = poweroff
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.deviceBarToplevel = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos0.index = 6
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos0.vmPath = /vm/#a44f5a802b342936/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos0.geometry = 648x539+41+220
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos1.index = 5
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos1.vmPath = /vm/#6d76686021f8bd33/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos1.geometry = 1032x827+24+25
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos2.index = 4
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos2.vmPath = /vm/#d13df65cc1398485/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos2.geometry = 1160x924+53+25
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos3.index = 3
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos3.vmPath = /vm/#43129b9928ebaf8b/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos3.geometry = 648x533+542+337
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos4.index = 2
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos4.vmPath = /vm/#59445297642a8712/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos4.geometry = 648x533+266+307
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos5.index = 1
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos5.vmPath = /vm/#37b1d9230cbb4e7f/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos5.geometry = 728x453+0+461
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos6.index = 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos6.vmPath = /vm/#894fa7c58e34ef11/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT pref.vmplayer.vmPos6.geometry = 728x449+291+250
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlyaddress =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlynetmask =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT control.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-cmd
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT loop.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-loop
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmnet-dhcpd
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT libdir = /usr/lib/vmware-player
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.help = introduction.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.configurationEditor = config_editor_newvm.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.ideConfig = devices_virtualdrive.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.floppyConfig = devices_floppy.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.mouseConfig = devices_mouse.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.netConfig = devices_netadapter.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.parallelConfig = devices_parallel.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.serialConfig = devices_serial.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.soundConfig = devices_sound.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.memConfig = configvm_memory.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.miscConfig = configvm.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.usbConfig = devices_usb.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.displayConfig = configvm_display-problems.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT config.version = 8
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 4
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT guestOS = winxphome
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT displayName = Windows_XP_Home
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT guestinfo.vmware.product.url = http://www.easyvmx.com/
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT guestinfo.vmware.product.class = virtual machine
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT numvcpus = 1
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT memsize = 256
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT MemAllowAutoScaleDown = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT MemTrimRate = -1
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT uuid.action = create
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT hints.hideAll = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tools.syncTime = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT usb.present = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT usb.generic.autoconnect = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT serial0.present = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT serial0.fileName = Auto Detect
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT serial0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT serial0.hardwareFlowControl = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT serial1.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.present = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.fileName = Auto Detect
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.bidirectional = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT sound.present = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT sound.virtualdev = es1371
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT logging = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT log.fileName = Windows_XP_Home.log
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT log.append = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.hgfs.disable = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.dnd.disable = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.copy.enable = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.paste.enabled = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.present = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.virtualDev = e1000
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.connectionType = nat
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.addressType = generated
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT floppy0.present = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT floppy0.startConnected = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT floppy0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = atapi-cdrom
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide1:0.autodetect = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = Windows_XP_Home.vmdk
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.mode = persistent
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.startConnected = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.writeThrough = TRUE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ide0:0.redo =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:5a:75:76
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT parallel0.startConnected = FALSE
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlyaddress =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT vmnet1.hostonlynetmask =
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT control.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-cmd
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT loop.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-loop
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmnet-dhcpd
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT libdir = /usr/lib/vmware-player
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.help = introduction.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.configurationEditor = config_editor_newvm.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.ideConfig = devices_virtualdrive.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.floppyConfig = devices_floppy.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.mouseConfig = devices_mouse.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.netConfig = devices_netadapter.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.parallelConfig = devices_parallel.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.serialConfig = devices_serial.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.soundConfig = devices_sound.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.memConfig = configvm_memory.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.miscConfig = configvm.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.usbConfig = devices_usb.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.displayConfig = configvm_display-problems.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.guestos.xp (shown)
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=320 recommended=320
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| hostMem=384 maxAllowedAll=4096 maxAllowedVM=3600
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| totOverhead=16
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 320
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| WSSCAN: Overhead 71921 paged 5534 nonpaged 4096 maxFBSize
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| WSSCAN 1 1 81920 -1 81920 -1 50 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| LICENSE: Running in restricted mode
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Host CPUID features: version 0x642 id1.edx 0x183f9ff id1.ecx 0x0 id81.edx 0xc1c7f9ff id81.ecx 0x0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x403d4e00
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x642 id1.edx 0x183fbff id1.ecx 0x0 id81.edx 0xc1c7fbff id81.ecx 0x0 id88.ecx 0x0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x483d4e00
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| KHZEstimate 705030
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| MHZEstimate 705
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| MM: Using partialmap, 65536 pages AC 0 CE 1 TM 0 DOHU 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| UUID: canonical path is /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmx
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| MM: using fileName /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/564d51fe-5d81-81c8-3a8b-e89aa25a7576.vmem for paging
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Msg_Reset:
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| ----------------------------------------
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Opened paging file /media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/564d51fe-5d81-81c8-3a8b-e89aa25a7576.vmem
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISK: OPEN ide0:0 '/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk' persistent R[(null)]
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| AIOGNRC: Starting 4 I/O threads.
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "Windows_XP_Home-s001.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [1]: "Windows_XP_Home-s002.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [2]: "Windows_XP_Home-s003.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [3]: "Windows_XP_Home-s004.vmdk" (0x2a)
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened '/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk' (0x2a): twoGbMaxExtentSparse, 12582912 sectors / 6144 Mb.
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk" (flags 0x2a).
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISK: OPEN '/media/hdb10/vmware-images/EasyVMX/Windows_XP_Home.vmdk' Geo (12483/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=11740Mb
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 891610711297 @ 705030000Hz -> 891610711297 @ 705030000Hz
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Aug 28 17:38:01: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.tools.toolsReminder (shown)
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| No valid NVRAM file found, will create default NVRAM.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| XINFO X fd is 46
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| XINFO depth 24 bpp 32 class 4
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| XINFO WARNING: XF86MISC version 0.9
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| VT redirected kernel output to /dev/tty1
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 704928 kHz
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks, dontClusterSize is 128
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:5a:75:76
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| E1000: checksum cycles/kB: C=824 asm=368
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| Async MKS thread is alive
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| Connecting to window system.
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO X fd is 46
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO depth 24 bpp 32 class 4
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO WARNING: XF86MISC version 0.9
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| VT redirected kernel output to /dev/tty1
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| rasterops MMXEXT accelerations enabled
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO unsupported XF86VidMode version: 2.2
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 0: 1280x1024 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 1: 1024x768 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 2: 832x624 flags: 0xa
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 3: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 4: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 5: 1280x1024 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 6: 1280x960 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 7: 1280x800 flags: 0x0
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 8: 1152x864 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 9: 1280x768 flags: 0x0
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 10: 1024x768 flags: 0xa
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 11: 1024x768 flags: 0xa
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 12: 960x600 flags: 0x20
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 13: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 14: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 15: 800x600 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 16: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 17: 840x525 flags: 0x20
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 18: 700x525 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 19: 700x525 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 20: 640x512 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 21: 640x512 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 22: 720x450 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 23: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 24: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 25: 640x480 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 26: 640x400 flags: 0x20
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 27: 576x432 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 28: 640x384 flags: 0x20
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 29: 512x384 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 30: 512x384 flags: 0x2a
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 31: 512x384 flags: 0x2a
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 32: 416x312 flags: 0x2a
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 33: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 34: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 35: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 36: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 37: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 38: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 39: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Aug 28 17:38:02: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Aug 28 17:38:02: vcpu-0| PShare: enabled 1, scanRate 32, checkRate 16
Aug 28 17:38:02: vcpu-0| guestCpuFeatures = 0x483d4e00
Aug 28 17:38:02: vcpu-0| Init modules.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : capacity=12582912
Aug 28 17:38:02: vcpu-0| CPU reset: hard
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| VNET: Notification enabled for Ethernet0
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| serial0: Using auto detect backend /dev/ttyS1.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| CDROM: Using autodetect backend /dev/cdrom for ide1:0.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| CDROM: Implementing mediaChange workaround.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| CDROM: SEND PACKET API Heuristic active.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vmx| CDROM: Using SG_IO ioctl for pass-through.
Aug 28 17:38:02: vcpu-0| sz=3116384
Aug 28 17:38:02: vcpu-0| vmm32 initialized: Releasebuild-29634. cflags: 0x00000002.01803000.00000054
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0x0) and 0xec000000(0x0)
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10c0 (0x0)
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 28 17:38:03: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:03: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:03: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:03: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:03: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Aug 28 17:38:03: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Aug 28 17:38:04: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Aug 28 17:38:05: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 12483 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 12582912
Aug 28 17:38:07: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 51 fe 5d 81 81 c8-3a 8b e8 9a a2 5a 75 76
Aug 28 17:38:08: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Aug 28 17:38:08: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Aug 28 17:38:08: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:11: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0x2000
Aug 28 17:38:15: vmx| DISK: DISK/CDROM timeout of 3.316 seconds on ide1:0 (ok)
Aug 28 17:38:15: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:16: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:16: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:38:16: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:39:22: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:39:25: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Aug 28 17:39:25: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x10c0 (0x10c0)
Aug 28 17:39:25: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 28 17:39:25: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10c0 (0x0)
Aug 28 17:39:25: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Aug 28 17:39:28: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Aug 28 17:39:31: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 12483 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 12582912
Aug 28 17:39:31: vcpu-0| CDROM: Mode Sense for Unsupported Page 0x1B
Aug 28 17:39:33: vcpu-0| CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 start feature 0
Aug 28 17:39:33: vcpu-0| CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 start feature 0
Aug 28 17:39:33: vcpu-0| CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 start feature 0
Aug 28 17:39:36: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Aug 28 17:39:41: mks| MKS lock got type None

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 28.08.2007, 18:36

Vielleicht sollte ich mal sukzessive alle im vmx File eingebundene Hardware rausnehmen ?

Das ist immer eine gute Idee zum troubleshooten

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 28.08.2007, 21:07

Hab alles an Hardware auskommentiert. Geht immer noch nicht. Ich werde aufgeben und die Sache sein lassen.

Eine allerletzte Frage hätte ich jedoch noch...

Die Konfiguration der IDE Controller der virtuellen Maschine ist doch unabhängig von der physikalischen Belegung am Host, oder?

Am Host siehts bei mir so aus:
Primary IDE Master -> 20 GB Platte (bootfähig) <-- noch ein Win98 System
Primary IDE Slave -> 160 GB (bootfähig) <--- Linux; hier liegt die virt. Partition
Secondary IDE Master -> unbelegt
Secondary IDE Slave -> CDROM

Im Bios stelle ich dann ein,von welcher Platte der Rechner bootet. (entw. IDE-0 oder IDE-1)

Im voraus vielen Dank

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 30.08.2007, 20:33

Hallo zusammen,

machmal ist man ja masochistisch veranlagt. Das Ganze hat mir keine Ruhe gelassen. Mir ist eingefallen, daß ich vmware mit xp schon mal unter ubuntU mit gnome installiert hatte, es aber damals nicht weiter betrachtet habe. Damals konnte ich problemlos installieren. Ich habe das alte System noch und habe mir mal die *.vmx Datei angesehen und ausprobiert.


Das heißt, das Problem liegt in der Konfiguration. Der einzige relevante Unterschied sind meines Erachtens die Version (virtualHW.version) und die Einstellungen des ethernets. Ich Poste mal die Datei. Die nicht funktionierende steht ja schon etwas weiter oben im Thread. Ich wende mich speziell an continuum. Vielleicht interessiert Dich das ja mal.

Für die Hilfe nochmal vielen Dank. :grin:

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 26.08.2007, 14:16

Beitragvon EarlGray » 30.08.2007, 20:34


# Filename: WindowsXPHome.vmx
# Generated 2007-02-20;21:46:13 by EasyVMX!
# http://www.easyvmx.com

# This is a Workstation 5 or 5.5 config file
# It can be used with Player
config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "3"

# Selected operating system for your virtual machine
guestOS = "linux"

# displayName is your own name for the virtual machine
displayName = "WindowsXPHome"

# These fields are free text description fields
guestinfo.vmware.product.url = "http://www.easyvmx.com/"
guestinfo.vmware.product.class = "virtual machine"

# Number of virtual CPUs. Your virtual machine will not
# work if this number is higher than the number of your physical CPUs
numvcpus = "1"

# Memory size and other memory settings
memsize = "196"
MemAllowAutoScaleDown = "FALSE"
MemTrimRate = "-1"

# Unique ID for the virtual machine will be created
uuid.action = "create"

# Remind to install VMware Tools
# This setting has no effect in VMware Player
tools.remindInstall = "TRUE"

# Startup hints interfers with automatic startup of a virtual machine
# This setting has no effect in VMware Player
hints.hideAll = "TRUE"

# Enable time synchronization between computer
# and virtual machine
tools.syncTime = "TRUE"

# USB settings
# This config activates USB
usb.present = "TRUE"
usb.generic.autoconnect = "TRUE"

# First serial port, physical COM1 is available
serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.fileName = "Auto Detect"
serial0.autodetect = "TRUE"
serial0.hardwareFlowControl = "TRUE"

# Optional second serial port, physical COM2 is not available
serial1.present = "FALSE"

# First parallell port, physical LPT1 is available
parallel0.present = "TRUE"
parallel0.fileName = "Auto Detect"
parallel0.autodetect = "TRUE"
parallel0.bidirectional = "TRUE"

# Sound settings
sound.present = "TRUE"
sound.virtualdev = "es1371"

# Logging
# This config activates logging, and keeps last log
logging = "TRUE"
log.fileName = "WindowsXPHome.log"
log.append = "TRUE"
### log.keepOld = "1"

# These settings decides interaction between your
# computer and the virtual machine
isolation.tools.hgfs.disable = "FALSE"
isolation.tools.dnd.disable = "FALSE"
isolation.tools.copy.enable = "TRUE"
isolation.tools.paste.enabled = "TRUE"

# First network interface card
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
# removed by BB ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
# removed by BB ethernet0.connectionType = "bridged"
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"

# Settings for physical floppy drive
floppy0.present = "TRUE"
floppy0.startConnected = "TRUE"
floppy0.autodetect = "TRUE"

# Settings for physical CDROM drive
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"
ide1:0.startConnected = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect"
ide1:0.autodetect = "TRUE"

# First IDE disk, size 6Gb
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"
ide0:0.fileName = "WindowsXPHome.vmdk"
ide0:0.mode = "persistent"
ide0:0.startConnected = "TRUE"
ide0:0.writeThrough = "TRUE"


ide0:0.redo = ""
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:76:6f:a8"
uuid.location = "56 4d 7e 93 4c 67 f6 4d-aa ec 6a bf 8a 76 6f a8"
uuid.bios = "56 4d 7e 93 4c 67 f6 4d-aa ec 6a bf 8a 76 6f a8"
parallel0.startConnected = "FALSE"

usb.autoConnect.device0 = ""

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