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call DNS Name of Guest

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung des VMware Player und VMware Workstation Player.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 15.09.2010, 13:52

call DNS Name of Guest

Beitragvon Sellam » 15.09.2010, 14:20


have a question as newbee ..

having installed a web Application in my VMware with Linux System. edited the hosts file with appropriate DNS name. locally it s working fine http://dns-name:8080 for exp.

But from host i can t call application trough DNS-name. i use NAT connection. i can access internet evrything is Ok. But i can t call DNS Name from host. ping also withou success ..

any suggestions ..?

Beiträge: 2237
Registriert: 21.09.2005, 00:12

Beitragvon stefan.becker » 15.09.2010, 21:11

This is a german forum.

Its better for you to post at VMTN => www.vmware.com

King of the Hill
Beiträge: 13597
Registriert: 01.10.2008, 12:54
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Re: call DNS Name of Guest

Beitragvon Dayworker » 15.09.2010, 21:43

Your linux firewall is on/off? Maybe this will blocking all ping requests.
Did you enable port-forwarding in the nat.conf on your player-host?

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