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Using VMWare without the DGA popup

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 07.10.2002, 23:07

Using VMWare without the DGA popup

Beitragvon bstraete » 07.10.2002, 23:10


Mein deutsch ist nicht so gut sorry :)

I'm trying to run VMWare in background on vncserver / xvfb but it continuously brings up a popup saying that the DGA extension cannot be found.

I'm not using any SVGA display so I don't need DGA either to render the window but I DO need to get rid of the annoying popup which prevents my machine from starting up automatically without user invervention.

Can anyone tell me how to do this?



Beitragvon Gast » 08.10.2002, 00:04

Have you installed the VMware Tools?

BTW, what OS is Host (I think it's *nix) and what OS is Guest?

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 07.10.2002, 23:07

Installed tools & OS

Beitragvon bstraete » 08.10.2002, 22:40

Yes, the VMWare tools have been installed. My guest OS is Win98 and I'm running this on Linux.

The goal would be to have the machine start up without the annoying DGA popup. I can't run DGA since I'm writing to a virtual frame buffer (and not the VGA card), but I *really* would like to get rid of the popup showing up preventing the machine from running in background.

If you have any ideas they're more than welcome :P :P

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Registriert: 18.07.2002, 23:31

Beitragvon itst » 09.10.2002, 14:02

This isn't really helping your problem, but what about a little tool that automatically clicks on that OK-Button?

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