Die Foren-SW läuft ohne erkennbare Probleme. Sollte doch etwas nicht funktionieren, bitte gerne hier jederzeit melden und wir kümmern uns zeitnah darum. Danke!

RedHat 9 lässt sich nicht mehr starten

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.11.2005, 19:30

RedHat 9 lässt sich nicht mehr starten

Beitragvon MeltDown » 19.11.2005, 19:38


ich habe folgendes Problem:
Nachdem ich RedHat 9 Shrike mit vmware workstation installiert hängt vmware immer bei der zeile "/etc/fstab aktualisieren..." Muss dann immer neustarten.

Habe schon neuinstallation gemacht und dass gleiche ergebnis..

Kennt jemand eine Lösung?


Beiträge: 1425
Registriert: 11.08.2004, 17:08
Wohnort: Paderborn

Beitragvon MSueper » 19.11.2005, 20:10

manchmel brauchts sehr lange beim Booten. Ich habe hier nur Fedora als VM. Das bootet auch nicht gerade schnell.
Wie lange hast Du gewartet vor den Reset?
Ist der Rechner dann idle oder zu 100% ausgelastet?
Grüße, Martin

PS: was für eine VMWare-Version, welche HW, welches Host OS, poste mal das Log

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.11.2005, 19:30

Beitragvon MeltDown » 20.11.2005, 00:08

verdammt lange, habe mal rein aus interesse dass ding mal 30 min laufen lassen, nix und cpu ist bei 100%. Also er versucht schon etwas zu laden, aber geratet glaube ich in eine endlosschleife

vmversion: 5.0.0 build-10124
HW: Athlon 2800 @ 1.5 Gig RAM DDR 400, 160 IDE HD
OS: Windows XP SP2

Wie ich kann ich dass Log raussuchen?

danke für antwort.

Beiträge: 1425
Registriert: 11.08.2004, 17:08
Wohnort: Paderborn

Beitragvon MSueper » 20.11.2005, 10:28

das log im Ordner mit der vmx Datei und den vmdk-Files

wenn noch eine andere VM läuft, gibt es manchmal komische Deadlock-artige Situationen.

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.11.2005, 19:30

Beitragvon MeltDown » 20.11.2005, 16:42

Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| Log for VMware Workstation pid=352 version=5.0.0 build=build-13124 option=Release
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| Command line: "C:\Programme\VMware\VMware Workstation\bin\vmware-vmx.exe" "-@" "pipe=\\.\pipe\vmxf72bbbbdfd6a3bd5; vm=f72bbbbdfd6a3bd5" "E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\redhat.vmx"
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '\\.\pipe\vmxf72bbbbdfd6a3bd5' with user '(null)'
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| CPU #0 TSC = 21698168742219
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| TSC delta 0
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 2079547 kHz
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID numEntries=1 AuthcAMDenti
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID version=0x6a0 id1.edx=0x383fbff id1.ecx=0x0 id1.ebx=0x0
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID id80.eax=80000008 id81.edx=0xc1c3fbff id81.ecx=0x0
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| CPUID id1.edx: 0x383fbff id1.ecx: 0 id81.edx: 0xc1c3fbff id81.ecx: 0
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| changing directory to E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\.
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| Config file: E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\redhat.vmx
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| VMXVmdbCbVmVmxExecState: Exec state change requested to state poweredOn without reset
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| PowerOn
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 2"
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.autoFitFullScreen = fitHostToGuest
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.items.count = 7
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item0.id = POWER_OFF
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item1.id = SUSPEND
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item2.id = POWER_ON
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item3.id = RESET
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item4.id = _SEP_
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item5.id = PREVIEW_PLAYER
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item6.id = PREVIEW_WS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.destString =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.user =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.items.count = 3
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.item0.id = SNAPSHOT
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.item1.id = REVERT
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.item2.id = SNAPSHOT_MANAGER
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.items.count = 6
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item0.id = FAVORITES
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item1.id = FULL_SCREEN
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item2.id = QUICK_SWITCH
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item3.id = _SEP_
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item4.id = SUMMARY
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item5.id = CONSOLE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.items.count = 4
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item0.id = ADD_VM
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item1.id = POLICIES
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item2.id = PKG_NEW
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item3.id = EDIT_SETTINGS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkLast = 1132178915
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT webUpdate.lastCheck.status = done_updates
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.menu.position.ix = 0
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.menu.position.newLine = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.position.ix = 1
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.position.newLine = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.position.length = 118
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.position.ix = 2
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.position.length = 87
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.position.ix = 3
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.position.length = 153
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.currentObj.path = /vm/#f72bbbbdfd6a3bd5/
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.currentObj.type = vm
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj0.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj0.name = Home
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.type = home
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.path =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.file =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.name = Home
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj.maxNum = 3
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 197
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 65
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 1120
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 692
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.tip.startup = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.tip.index = 1
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.allowInsanePkgs = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.name = Red Hat Linux
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.type = vm
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.path = /vm/#f72bbbbdfd6a3bd5/
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.file = E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\redhat.vmx
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.name = Red Hat Linux
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.type = vm
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.path = /vm/#15c9ffbbec6c04b7/
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.file = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\MeltDown\Eigene Dateien\My Virtual Machines\Red Hat Linux\Red Hat Linux.vmx
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.name = Red Hat Linux
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.type = vm
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.path = /vm/#f72bbbbdfd6a3bd5/
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.file = E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\redhat.vmx
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.present = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.type = vm
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.path = /vm/#15c9ffbbec6c04b7/
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.file = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\MeltDown\Eigene Dateien\My Virtual Machines\Red Hat Linux\Red Hat Linux.vmx
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.name = Red Hat Linux
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\redhat.vmx;E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Windows Enterprise\winnetenterprise.vmx;E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\winnetenterprise.vmx;
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.width = 109
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsImage = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsReminder = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT hint.leaveFullScreen = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT hint.usb.generic.stopDevice = FALSE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT config.version = 8
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 4
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT scsi0.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT memsize = 980
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT scsi0:0.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT scsi0:0.fileName = Red Hat Linux.vmdk
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT usb.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT sound.present = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT sound.virtualDev = es1371
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT displayName = Red Hat Linux
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT guestOS = redhat
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT nvram = redhat.nvram
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT scsi0:0.redo =
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d c9 a2 d0 a6 e7 63-08 60 e8 94 80 de c1 b5
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d c9 a2 d0 a6 e7 63-08 60 e8 94 80 de c1 b5
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT usb.generic.autoconnect = TRUE
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=1152 recommended=1152
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| hostMem=1280 maxAllowedAll=4096 maxAllowedVM=3600
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| totOverhead=16
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 1152
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| WSSCAN: Overhead 255857 paged 8481 nonpaged 4096 maxFBSize
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| WSSCAN 1 0 242997 242997 294912 252703 50 0
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\License.ws.5.0'
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x6a0 id1.edx 0x383fbff id1.ecx 0x0 id81.edx 0xc1c3fbff
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x483d5e02
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| KHZEstimate 2079547
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| MHZEstimate 2080
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x6a0 id1.edx 0x383fbff id1.ecx 0x0 id81.edx 0xc1c3fbff
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x483d5e02
Nov 20 00:18:46: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d 3f 76 2d 28 61 ea-81 cb b3 28 2b 3a 70 6d
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| UUID: canonical path is e:\zips\virtual machine\linux\redhat.vmx
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d c9 a2 d0 a6 e7 63-08 60 e8 94 80 de c1 b5
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| MM: Using partialmap, 250880 pages AC 0 CE 1 TM 0
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| UUID: canonical path is e:\zips\virtual machine\linux\redhat.vmx
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d c9 a2 d0 a6 e7 63-08 60 e8 94 80 de c1 b5
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| MM: using fileName E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\564dc9a2-d0a6-e763-0860-e89480dec1b5.vmem for paging
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| Msg_Reset:
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| ----------------------------------------
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| Opened paging file E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\564dc9a2-d0a6-e763-0860-e89480dec1b5.vmem
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISK: OPEN scsi0:0 'E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\Red Hat Linux.vmdk' persistent R[(null)]
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "Red Hat Linux.vmdk" (0x2)
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\Red Hat Linux.vmdk' (0xa): monolithicSparse, 8388608 sectors / 4096 Mb.
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\Red Hat Linux.vmdk" (flags 0xa).
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISK: OPEN 'E:\Zips\Virtual Machine\Linux\Red Hat Linux.vmdk' Geo (522/255/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=1798Mb
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 21700837077847 @ 2079547000Hz -> 21700837077847 @ 2079547000Hz
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| SCSI0: UNTAGGED commands will be converted to ORDER tags.
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : capacity=8388608
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend
Nov 20 00:18:47: usbEnum| VTHREAD thread 5 "usbEnum" host id 228 started
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 5 "usbEnum"
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks, dontClusterSize is 128
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0x1430000,0x1000) returns 0x1e7
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages from 0x01430000 to 0x01431000
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0x1432000,0x0) returns 0x57
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages from 0x01432000 to 0x01432000
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
Nov 20 00:18:47: mks| VTHREAD thread 1 "mks" host id 2636 started
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 1 "mks"
Nov 20 00:18:47: mks| Async MKS thread is alive
Nov 20 00:18:47: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" host id 3276 started
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
Nov 20 00:18:47: vmx| DnD rpc already set to 1
Nov 20 00:18:48: mks| Connecting to window system.
Nov 20 00:18:48: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 1940 started
Nov 20 00:18:48: mks| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:18:48: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Nov 20 00:18:48: vcpu-0| APIC: version = 0x10, max LVT = 4
Nov 20 00:18:48: vcpu-0| APIC: LDR = 0x1000000, DFR = 0xffffffff
Nov 20 00:18:48: vcpu-0| PShare: enabled 1, scanRate 32, checkRate 16
Nov 20 00:18:48: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x483d5e02
Nov 20 00:18:48: vcpu-0| Init modules.
Nov 20 00:18:49: vmx| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Sync: syserror Unzulässige Funktion.
Nov 20 00:18:49: vmx| CDROM: Detected a CD-ROM of 'F:\'
Nov 20 00:18:49: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:49: vcpu-0| sz=3018720
Nov 20 00:18:49: vcpu-0| vmm32 initialized: Releasebuild-13124. cflags: 0x08000002.a000f480
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0x0) and 0xec000000(0x0)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the SBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 16384 bytes)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the SBIOS OPROM
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10e0 (0x0)
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf0000000(0xf0000000) and 0xec000000(0xec000000)
Nov 20 00:18:50: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:50: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:50: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:50: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:50: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:50: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:50: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Nov 20 00:18:50: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Nov 20 00:18:50: vmx| VMXVmdbLoadUsbDevices: New set of 1 USB devices
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| AIOGNRC: Starting 2 I/O threads.
Nov 20 00:18:51: IO#0| VTHREAD thread 7 "IO#0" host id 2148 started
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 7 "IO#0"
Nov 20 00:18:51: IO#1| VTHREAD thread 8 "IO#1" host id 2056 started
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "IO#1"
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| Winnt_CDROM: 'F:' Length 24 MaxTransferLength 131072 MaxPhysPages 32
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| Winnt_CDROM: AlignMask 0x1 !AsyncEvent !TaggedQ ScanUp PIO
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the SBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 16384 bytes)
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the SBIOS OPROM
Nov 20 00:18:51: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Nov 20 00:18:51: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:53: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d c9 a2 d0 a6 e7 63-08 60 e8 94 80 de c1 b5
Nov 20 00:18:53: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 0
Nov 20 00:18:53: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0
Nov 20 00:18:53: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:53: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:18:54: vcpu-0| SCSI0: RESET BUS
Nov 20 00:18:55: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Nov 20 00:18:55: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe01
Nov 20 00:18:55: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Nov 20 00:18:55: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe01
Nov 20 00:18:55: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:55: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:55: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:55: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:55: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:56: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:56: mouse| VTHREAD thread 9 "mouse" host id 864 started
Nov 20 00:18:56: mks| VTHREAD create thread 9 "mouse"
Nov 20 00:18:57: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Nov 20 00:18:57: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe01
Nov 20 00:18:57: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:57: mks| Ignoring update request in VGA_Expose (mode change pending).
Nov 20 00:18:57: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Nov 20 00:18:57: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe01
Nov 20 00:18:57: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Nov 20 00:18:57: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe01
Nov 20 00:18:58: mouse| VTHREAD thread 9 start exiting
Nov 20 00:18:58: mouse| VTHREAD thread 9 exiting, 7 left
Nov 20 00:18:58: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 9 "mouse"
Nov 20 00:18:58: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x10e0 (0x10e0)
Nov 20 00:18:58: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0xfff0 (0x0)
Nov 20 00:18:58: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0xfff0 (0xfff0)
Nov 20 00:18:58: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10e0 (0x0)
Nov 20 00:18:59: vcpu-0| FLOPPY-MAIN : Data write/read without DMA enabled!
Nov 20 00:19:02: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 start exiting
Nov 20 00:19:02: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 exiting, 6 left
Nov 20 00:19:02: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:19:03: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 1904 started
Nov 20 00:19:03: mks| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:19:05: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Nov 20 00:19:05: vcpu-0| SCSI0: RESET BUS
Nov 20 00:19:05: vcpu-0| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Nov 20 00:19:08: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 start exiting
Nov 20 00:19:08: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 exiting, 6 left
Nov 20 00:19:08: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:19:10: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 248 started
Nov 20 00:19:10: mks| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:19:12: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 start exiting
Nov 20 00:19:12: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 exiting, 6 left
Nov 20 00:19:12: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:19:14: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Nov 20 00:19:14: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Nov 20 00:19:16: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): INQUIRY request with EVDP set
Nov 20 00:19:16: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): INQUIRY request with EVDP set
Nov 20 00:19:16: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): INQUIRY request with EVDP set
Nov 20 00:19:19: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 3536 started
Nov 20 00:19:19: mks| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:19:19: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): INQUIRY request with EVDP set
Nov 20 00:19:19: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): INQUIRY request with EVDP set
Nov 20 00:19:19: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): INQUIRY request with EVDP set
Nov 20 00:19:31: mks| Detaching from window system.
Nov 20 00:19:31: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 start exiting
Nov 20 00:19:31: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 exiting, 6 left
Nov 20 00:19:31: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Nov 20 00:19:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:19:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:19:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.
Nov 20 00:19:36: vcpu-0| FLOPPYLIB-LIB : Win32Ioctl: syserror Das Gerät ist nicht bereit.

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.11.2005, 19:30

Beitragvon MeltDown » 20.11.2005, 16:48

Hat sich erledigt, nachdem ich mir die log näher angeschaut habe :)

Floppy einfach deaktivieren.


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