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VMware Workstation internal monitor error

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 23.09.2005, 06:20

VMware Workstation internal monitor error

Beitragvon firsttime » 28.09.2005, 08:35

Hallo zusammen,

*** VMware Workstation internal monitor error ***
This virtual machine has tried to execute an invalid part of memory. It is possible that the virtual disk or CD media you are using is not bootable or that a program or driver running in the virtual machine has malfunctioned.

Please report this problem by selecting menu item Help > VMware on the Web > Request Support, or by going to the Web page "http://www.vmware.com/info?id=8&sn=68560%2dE84DL%2d211EM%2d4AJ88&logFile=d%3a%5cPG36%5cvmware%2elog&coreLocation=d%3a%5cpg36%5cvmware%2dcore%2egz". Please provide us with the log file (d:\PG36\vmware.log) and the core file (d:\pg36\vmware-core.gz).
If the problem is repeatable, please select 'Run with debugging information' in the Options panel of the configuration editor. Then reproduce the incident and file it according to the instructions.
We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.
We appreciate your feedback,
-- the VMware Workstation team.

Diese Meldung bekomme ich nach dem POST, wenn der Bootloader (kein graphischer) normalerweise erscheinen sollte.. Eine UNIX-Variante und Win NT sind "installiert"..

Wer kann mir da weiter helfen



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