Die Foren-SW läuft ohne erkennbare Probleme. Sollte doch etwas nicht funktionieren, bitte gerne hier jederzeit melden und wir kümmern uns zeitnah darum. Danke!

selber Guest läuft nicht auf verschiedenen Hosts

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 15.06.2005, 11:06

selber Guest läuft nicht auf verschiedenen Hosts

Beitragvon skai007 » 15.06.2005, 11:32


ich habe ein funktionierendes Guest system winXPpro blablabla und kopiere dies
von einem Host (Fujitsu Siemens E Serie) auf dem dieses installiert wurde auf andere Hosts (Acer TravelMatre 4600, Samsung X20, etc. )

auf allen hosts läuft winXPpro allerdings mit unterschiedlichen language supports ....
die absolut gleiche VMware Workstation version ....

leider startet die VM auf den Hosts (Acer TravelMatre 4600, Samsung X20, etc. ) nicht, oder besser gesagt nur im safe mode nachdem das erstemal der bildschirm schwarz bleibt kommt der screen für die auswahl blabla und da geht dann nur der safe mode ....

soweit sogut aber ich bekomme die maschienen nicht im normalen modus zum laufen ....

versucht habe ich alle divieses zu entferenen und nur die notwendigsten zu installieren .... genau das gleiche ....

der vergleich der vmx datein brachte auch kein ergebnis ....
(eine auf dem Acer Travelmade 4600 installierte Maschiene läuft auf allen anderen Rechnern .... !!!!)

die Virtuelle Platte ist als ide platte angelegt .... wie gesagt vom acer zu den anderen tut es aber vom siemens zu den anderen nicht ....

im safe mode kann ich leider keine VMware Tools installieren und ich habe auch schon die Tools deinstalliert und den Grafiktreiber von einer anderen VM (die Läuft) installiert aber daas hat nichts geändert ...

ein gedanke ist das es etwas mit der Grafik zu tun haben könnte .... dagegen spricht aber eigentlich der einfache Grafiktreiber vom VMwar Tools ... die Platte kann er lesen sonst würde ich nicht den Safe Modus kommen ...

ich bekomme auch keinen Bluescreen .... es geht einfach gar nichts .... ich sehe nur das VMBIOS (habe ich gescheckt ist ok) und dann bleibt der Rechner stehen kein BEEP nix einfach stehen geblieben ...

beim erstem mal starten der überspielten VM create ich einen neuen UUID

ich habe keine Idee mehr was ich noch versuchen soll ... damit die VM-Maschiene auf den anderen Rechneren läuft ....

abgeshen davon auf anderen Fujitsu Siemens Rechnern läuft die Maschiene anscheinend ...

Danke jetzt schon für eure Hilfe

Beiträge: 1425
Registriert: 11.08.2004, 17:08
Wohnort: Paderborn

Beitragvon MSueper » 15.06.2005, 14:11

sind die CPUen denn gleich in beiden Maschinen?
Der Rest der HW wird emuliert, die CPU aber nicht.

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 15.06.2005, 11:06

Beitragvon skai007 » 15.06.2005, 17:50


Bei allen Maschinen ist die ein Intel Pentium M 1,6 GHZ aus der gleichen Serie drin also daran sollte es nicht liegen ....

habe jetzt auch einen Rechner platt gemacht und das gleiche Host OS installiert, aber das Problem ist immer noch vorhanden !!! .-(


Danke für die Bestätigung, dass er Rest der HW emuliert wird. An die CPU
hatte ich nicht gedacht aber das ist es ja Augenscheinlich auch nicht, sind
ja die gleichen drin.

Ich verstehe die Sache nicht, bin mit meine Latain am ....

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 16.06.2005, 20:08

ich bekomme auch keinen Bluescreen .... es geht einfach gar nichts .... ich sehe nur das VMBIOS (habe ich gescheckt ist ok) und dann bleibt der Rechner stehen kein BEEP nix einfach stehen geblieben ...

Kannst du einmal ein vmware.log posten, wenn das nochmal passiert?


Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 15.06.2005, 11:06


Beitragvon skai007 » 17.06.2005, 09:17

Hier ein Log ...
es ist nur die Festplatte und der Memory als Device eingetragen ....
vmHost WinXPpro German auf dem Samsung NX20 mit Intel Pentium M 1,6 GHz mit dem gleichen vmGuest wie auf dem Acer (siehe zweites log)

Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| Log for VMware Workstation pid=4048 version=4.5.1 build=build-7568 option=Release.4.5.1
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| Command line: "C:\Programme\VMware\VMware Workstation\bin\vmware-vmx.exe" "-@" "pipe=\\.\pipe\vmxa970b00bed42a368; vm=a970b00bed42a368" "..\Windows XP Professional.vmx"
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '\\.\pipe\vmxa970b00bed42a368' with user '(null)'
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| ConfigDB: Set ConfigVersion to 7
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| ConfigDB: Set HWVersion to 3
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00330000 size=0x000cd000 name=LIBEAY32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x00389000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x61dc0000 size=0x0000e000 name=MFC42LOC.DLL
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000c000 name=ntwrap.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a00000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a10000 size=0x00017000 name=WS2_32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a30000 size=0x0000a000 name=WSOCK32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72210000 size=0x0002b000 name=DINPUT.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73d30000 size=0x000fe000 name=MFC42.DLL
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73e70000 size=0x0005c000 name=DSOUND.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74a60000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76730000 size=0x00009000 name=shfolder.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76af0000 size=0x0002e000 name=WINMM.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bb0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773a0000 size=0x00102000 name=comctl32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x774b0000 size=0x0013d000 name=ole32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x778f0000 size=0x000f4000 name=setupapi.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77bd0000 size=0x00008000 name=VERSION.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77be0000 size=0x00058000 name=MSVCRT.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d10000 size=0x00090000 name=USER32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e50000 size=0x00091000 name=RPCRT4.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77ef0000 size=0x00046000 name=GDI32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f40000 size=0x00076000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77fc0000 size=0x00011000 name=Secur32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c800000 size=0x00106000 name=kernel32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c910000 size=0x000b7000 name=ntdll.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x6074e000, potential=0x61637000 start=0x00789000
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| CPU #0 TSC = 248292753719
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| TSC delta 0
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 1446851 kHz
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| Measured CPU as 1446851 kHz, but registry says 1595000 kHz; using 1595000
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID numEntries=2 GenuineIntel
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID version=0x6d8 features=0xafe9fbff extFeatures=0x180 ebx=0x816
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| CPUID common features: 0xafe9fbff extFeatures: 0x180
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00330000 size=0x000cd000 name=LIBEAY32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x00389000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x61dc0000 size=0x0000e000 name=MFC42LOC.DLL
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000c000 name=ntwrap.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a00000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a10000 size=0x00017000 name=WS2_32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a30000 size=0x0000a000 name=WSOCK32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72210000 size=0x0002b000 name=DINPUT.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73d30000 size=0x000fe000 name=MFC42.DLL
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73e70000 size=0x0005c000 name=DSOUND.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74a60000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76730000 size=0x00009000 name=shfolder.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76af0000 size=0x0002e000 name=WINMM.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bb0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773a0000 size=0x00102000 name=comctl32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x774b0000 size=0x0013d000 name=ole32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x778f0000 size=0x000f4000 name=setupapi.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77bd0000 size=0x00008000 name=VERSION.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77be0000 size=0x00058000 name=MSVCRT.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d10000 size=0x00090000 name=USER32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e50000 size=0x00091000 name=RPCRT4.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77ef0000 size=0x00046000 name=GDI32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f40000 size=0x00076000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77fc0000 size=0x00011000 name=Secur32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c800000 size=0x00106000 name=kernel32.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c910000 size=0x000b7000 name=ntdll.dll
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x6074e000, potential=0x61637000 start=0x00789000
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| changing directory to ..
Jun 17 08:56:37: vmx| Config file: ..\Windows XP Professional.vmx
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PowerOn
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 2"
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 180
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 3
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 991
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 738
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.tip.index = 2
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = ..\Windows XP Professional.vmx;
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT hint.mks.fullscreen = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.currentVM = /vm/#a970b00bed42a368/
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.present = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.path = /vm/#a970b00bed42a368/
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.file = ..\Windows XP Professional.vmx
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.name = Setup_06062005
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM.maxNum = 1
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.tip.startup = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.present = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.path = /vm/#a970b00bed42a368/
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.file = ..\Windows XP Professional.vmx
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.name = Setup_06062005
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.kvm = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.view.homepage = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT hint.usb.generic.stopDevice = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.width = 143
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT hint.guestos.xp = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT hint.powerOff = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkLast = 1118911596
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT config.version = 7
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 3
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT memsize = 768
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = Windows XP Professional.vmdk
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.present = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.connectionType = nat
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sound.present = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT displayName = Setup_06062005
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT guestOS = winXPPro
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d 62 79 de 50 7c 1f-9e 12 55 76 c2 91 b7 f2
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ethernet0.addressType = generated
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:91:b7:f2
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT tools.syncTime = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sound.startConnected = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT undopoints.seqNum = 0
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide0:0.mode = persistent
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT ide0:0.redo = .\Windows XP Professional.vmdk.REDO_a00964
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d 62 79 de 50 7c 1f-9e 12 55 76 c2 91 b7 f2
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT undopoint.restoreFromCheckpoint = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT undopoint.checkpointedOnline = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT floppy0.startConnected = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder.maxNum = 1
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.present = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.enabled = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.readAccess = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.writeAccess = TRUE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.hostPath = ..
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.guestName = Hist
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.expiration = never
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT sound.virtualDev = es1371
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT redoLogDir = .
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT floppy0.present = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT usb.present = FALSE
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.guestos.xp (not shown)
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\License.ws.4.0'
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| MM: Using partialmap, 196608 pages AC 0 CE 0 TM 0
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=4048, ownerTid=4052, thisPis=4048, thisTid=4052
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=1912 recommended=1912
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| hostMem=2040 maxAllowedAll=4096 maxAllowedVM=3600
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| totOverhead=16
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 1912
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| WSSCAN: Overhead 201573 paged 15623 nonpaged
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| WSSCAN 1 36 430186 430186 489472 433004 50 0
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable (offset ffbff000)
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x6d8 features 0xfe9fbff extFeatures 0x180
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x871fe01
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| APIC: Local APIC at 0xfee00000
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| APIC: IO APIC at 0xfec00000
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| KHZEstimate 1595000
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| MHZEstimate 1595
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| location-UUID is 56 4d 62 79 de 50 7c 1f-9e 12 55 76 c2 91 b7 f2
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 248584630434 @ 1595000000Hz -> 248584630434 @ 1595000000Hz
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini": Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISK: Treating disk 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' as persistent
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISK: OPEN ide:0:0 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' persistent R[]
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini": Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\config.ini": Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 08:56:38: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\config.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' [0]: "Windows XP Professional.vmdk" (0x2)
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' (0xa): monolithicSparse, 20971520 sectors / 10240 Mb.
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISKLIB-CACHE : 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' : pgSz=4096 max=1048576 minRA=0 maxRA=61440 update=2000
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "Windows XP Professional.vmdk" (flags 0xa).
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISK: OPEN 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' Geo (16383/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=2262Mb
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| DISK: toolsVersion = '0'
Jun 17 08:56:38: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.tools.toolsReminder (shown)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Display orientation is default.
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Display frequency is 60HZ
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 640 by 480 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 800 by 600 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 1024 by 768 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 640 by 480 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 800 by 600 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 1024 by 768 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 640 by 480 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 800 by 600 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 1024 by 768 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Using unified VGA.
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0xf00000,0x1000) returns 0x1e7
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages #1
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
Jun 17 08:56:40: mks| VTHREAD thread 1 "mks" host id 4064 started
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 1 "mks"
Jun 17 08:56:40: mks| Async MKS thread is alive
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" host id 4068 started
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: Setting up interrupts
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: version = 0x14, max LVT = 5
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| DnD rpc already set to 1
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Attaching local console.
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Display orientation is default.
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Display frequency is 60HZ
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 640 by 480 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 800 by 600 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 1024 by 768 depth 8 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 640 by 480 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 800 by 600 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 1024 by 768 depth 16 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 480 by 640 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 600 by 800 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 640 by 480 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 768 by 1024 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 800 by 600 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| Skipping display mode: 1024 by 768 depth 32 rr 60 (wrong orientation)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: LDR = 0x1000000, DFR = 0xffffffff
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: spurious interrupt reg = 0x11f
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: thermal interrupt reg = 0x10000
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: performance counter reg = 0xfe
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: timer interrupt reg = 0x300fd
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 0 reg = 0x1001f
Jun 17 08:56:40: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 4072 started
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 1 reg = 0x4ff
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| APIC: local error reg = 0xe3
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: Setting up interrupts
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x2 -> 0xff, timerReg=0x100ff
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x8 -> 0xd1, rtcReg=0x8d1
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: NT/Win2000 using the CMOS clock for timer interrupts
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Jun 17 08:56:40: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| Monitor initialized: Release.4.5.1build-7568 (gcc). cflags: 0x00000040.2800dc10
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x871fe01
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:0 : capacity=20971520
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| sz=2969568
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0x00000000) and 0xfc000000(0x00000000)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1060 (0x0000)
Jun 17 08:56:40: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 08:56:41: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 17475 heads: 15 sects: 63 lba_cap: 20971520
Jun 17 08:56:42: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 62 79 de 50 7c 1f-9e 12 55 76 c2 91 b7 f2
Jun 17 08:56:43: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0x2000


Hier ein Log ...
es ist nur die Festplatte und der Memory als Device eingetragen ....
vmHost WinXPpro English auf dem Acer Travelmade 4600 mit Intel Pentium M 1,6 GHz mit dem gleichen VMGuest wie auf dem Samsung
allerdings ein neues vmx angelegt ...

Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| Log for VMware Workstation pid=3376 version=4.5.1 build=build-7568 option=Release.4.5.1
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| Command line: "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\bin\vmware-vmx.exe" "-@" "pipe=\\.\pipe\vmx379f87fa691d5142; vm=379f87fa691d5142" "..\Windows XP Professional.vmx"
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '\\.\pipe\vmx379f87fa691d5142' with user '(null)'
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| ConfigDB: Set ConfigVersion to 7
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| ConfigDB: Set HWVersion to 3
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00330000 size=0x000cd000 name=LIBEAY32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x00389000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000c000 name=ntwrap.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71aa0000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71ab0000 size=0x00017000 name=WS2_32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71ad0000 size=0x00009000 name=WSOCK32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72280000 size=0x0002a000 name=DINPUT.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73dd0000 size=0x000fe000 name=MFC42.DLL
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73f10000 size=0x0005c000 name=DSOUND.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74ae0000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76780000 size=0x00009000 name=shfolder.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76b40000 size=0x0002d000 name=WINMM.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bf0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773d0000 size=0x00102000 name=comctl32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x774e0000 size=0x0013c000 name=ole32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77920000 size=0x000f3000 name=setupapi.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c00000 size=0x00008000 name=VERSION.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c10000 size=0x00058000 name=MSVCRT.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d40000 size=0x00090000 name=USER32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e70000 size=0x00091000 name=RPCRT4.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f10000 size=0x00046000 name=GDI32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f60000 size=0x00076000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77fe0000 size=0x00011000 name=Secur32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c800000 size=0x000f4000 name=kernel32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c900000 size=0x000b0000 name=ntdll.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x67a7e000, potential=0x68947000 start=0x00789000
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| CPU #0 TSC = 268528790222
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| TSC delta 0
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 1596000 kHz
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID numEntries=2 GenuineIntel
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID version=0x6d8 features=0xafe9fbff extFeatures=0x180 ebx=0x816
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| CPUID common features: 0xafe9fbff extFeatures: 0x180
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00330000 size=0x000cd000 name=LIBEAY32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x00389000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000c000 name=ntwrap.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71aa0000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71ab0000 size=0x00017000 name=WS2_32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71ad0000 size=0x00009000 name=WSOCK32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72280000 size=0x0002a000 name=DINPUT.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73dd0000 size=0x000fe000 name=MFC42.DLL
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73f10000 size=0x0005c000 name=DSOUND.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74ae0000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76780000 size=0x00009000 name=shfolder.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76b40000 size=0x0002d000 name=WINMM.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bf0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773d0000 size=0x00102000 name=comctl32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x774e0000 size=0x0013c000 name=ole32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77920000 size=0x000f3000 name=setupapi.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c00000 size=0x00008000 name=VERSION.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c10000 size=0x00058000 name=MSVCRT.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d40000 size=0x00090000 name=USER32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e70000 size=0x00091000 name=RPCRT4.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f10000 size=0x00046000 name=GDI32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f60000 size=0x00076000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77fe0000 size=0x00011000 name=Secur32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c800000 size=0x000f4000 name=kernel32.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c900000 size=0x000b0000 name=ntdll.dll
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x67a7e000, potential=0x68947000 start=0x00789000
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| changing directory to ..
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| Config file: ..\Windows XP Professional.vmx
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PowerOn
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 2"
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = ..\Windows XP Professional.vmx;
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.currentVM = /vm/#79e4c73e1e63aacf/
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.present = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.path = /vm/#379f87fa691d5142/
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.file = ..\Windows XP Professional.vmx
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.name = Setup_06062005
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM.maxNum = 2
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 226
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 64
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 1157
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 596
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.tip.startup = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.tip.index = 1
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT hint.guestos.xp = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT hint.mks.fullscreen = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.present = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.path = /vm/#79e4c73e1e63aacf/
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.file =..\dummy.vmx
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.name = dummy
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT config.version = 7
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 3
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT memsize = 768
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = Windows XP Professional.vmdk
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.present = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.connectionType = nat
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sound.present = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT displayName = Setup_06062005
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT guestOS = winXPPro
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d 48 30 f0 97 31 16-90 a2 b1 3d e0 46 c1 9a
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ethernet0.addressType = generated
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:46:c1:9a
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT tools.syncTime = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sound.startConnected = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT undopoints.seqNum = 0
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide0:0.mode = persistent
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT ide0:0.redo = .\Windows XP Professional.vmdk.REDO_a00964
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d 48 30 f0 97 31 16-90 a2 b1 3d e0 46 c1 9a
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT undopoint.restoreFromCheckpoint = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT undopoint.checkpointedOnline = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT floppy0.startConnected = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder.maxNum = 1
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.present = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.enabled = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.readAccess = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.writeAccess = TRUE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.hostPath = ..
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.guestName = Hist
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.expiration = never
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT sound.virtualDev = es1371
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT redoLogDir = .
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT paevm = true
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT floppy0.present = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT usb.present = FALSE
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.guestos.xp (not shown)
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\License.ws.4.0'
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| MM: Using partialmap, 196608 pages AC 0 CE 0 TM 0
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=1912 recommended=1912
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| hostMem=2040 maxAllowedAll=4096 maxAllowedVM=3600
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| totOverhead=16
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 1912
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| WSSCAN: Overhead 201573 paged 15623 nonpaged
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| WSSCAN 1 36 427784 427784 489472 433296 50 0
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable (offset ffbff000)
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x6d8 features 0xfe9fbff extFeatures 0x180
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x871fe01
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| APIC: Local APIC at 0xfee00000
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| APIC: IO APIC at 0xfec00000
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| KHZEstimate 1596000
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| MHZEstimate 1596
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| location-UUID is 56 4d 48 30 f0 97 31 16-90 a2 b1 3d e0 46 c1 9a
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 268797367232 @ 1596000000Hz -> 268797367232 @ 1596000000Hz
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "..\VMware\config.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Jun 17 09:07:41: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at ..\VMware\config.ini. Using default values.
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DISK: Treating disk 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' as persistent
Jun 17 09:07:41: vmx| DISK: OPEN ide:0:0 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' persistent R[]
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' [0]: "Windows XP Professional.vmdk" (0x2)
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' (0xa): monolithicSparse, 20971520 sectors / 10240 Mb.
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| DISKLIB-CACHE : 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' : pgSz=4096 max=1048576 minRA=0 maxRA=61440 update=2000
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "Windows XP Professional.vmdk" (flags 0xa).
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| DISK: OPEN 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' Geo (16383/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=37759Mb
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| DISK: toolsVersion = '0'
Jun 17 09:07:42: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.tools.toolsReminder (shown)
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| Display orientation is default.
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| Display frequency is 60HZ
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| Using unified VGA.
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0xf00000,0x1000) returns 0x1e7
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages #1
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
Jun 17 09:07:43: mks| VTHREAD thread 1 "mks" host id 3464 started
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 1 "mks"
Jun 17 09:07:43: mks| Async MKS thread is alive
Jun 17 09:07:43: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" host id 3468 started
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| DnD rpc already set to 1
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| Attaching local console.
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| Display orientation is default.
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| Display frequency is 60HZ
Jun 17 09:07:43: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 3472 started
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Jun 17 09:07:43: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: Setting up interrupts
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: version = 0x14, max LVT = 5
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: LDR = 0x1000000, DFR = 0xffffffff
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: spurious interrupt reg = 0x11f
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: thermal interrupt reg = 0x10000
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: performance counter reg = 0xfe
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: timer interrupt reg = 0x300fd
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 0 reg = 0x1001f
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 1 reg = 0x4ff
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| APIC: local error reg = 0xe3
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: Setting up interrupts
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x2 -> 0xff, timerReg=0x107ff
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x8 -> 0xd1, rtcReg=0x8d1
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: NT/Win2000 using the CMOS clock for timer interrupts
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| Monitor initialized: Release.4.5.1build-7568 (gcc). cflags: 0x00000040.2800dc10
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x871fe01
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:0 : capacity=20971520
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| sz=2969568
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0x00000000) and 0xfc000000(0x00000000)
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1060 (0x0000)
Jun 17 09:07:44: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
Jun 17 09:07:45: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 17475 heads: 15 sects: 63 lba_cap: 20971520
Jun 17 09:07:46: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 48 30 f0 97 31 16-90 a2 b1 3d e0 46 c1 9a
Jun 17 09:07:47: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0x2000
Jun 17 09:07:53: mks| Msg_Hint: msg.mks.fullscreen (not shown)
Jun 17 09:07:53: mks| GDIInfo_SwitchToFullScreenMode: Saving previous display settings: <32, 1400, 1050, 60>
Jun 17 09:07:53: mks| Changing display mode to <32, 800, 600, 60>
Jun 17 09:07:53: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 672 started
Jun 17 09:07:53: mks| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:07:53: mks| MKS HOST failed to get clipboard contents, error 0: The operation completed successfully
Jun 17 09:07:56: mks| Changing display mode to <32, 1400, 1050, 60>
Jun 17 09:08:05: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:08:51: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 1896 started
Jun 17 09:08:51: mks| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:08:53: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:09:11: kbh| VTHREAD thread 6 "kbh" host id 2060 started
Jun 17 09:09:11: mks| VTHREAD create thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| Stopping VCPU threads...
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 4 "vcpu-0"
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 1 "mks"
Jun 17 09:09:15: mks| Async MKS thread is exiting
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '0'
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| Detatching local console.
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 6 "kbh"
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| MKS local poweroff
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| AIOWIN32: asyncOps=593 syncOps=1297 bufSize=4Kb delayed=0 fixed=1297 sgOp=581 sgOn=1
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| PerfmonEnterLock using a lock held by another process: lockBool=1, ownerPid=3376, ownerTid=2540, thisPis=3376, thisTid=2540
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| AIOPowerOff Floppy
Jun 17 09:09:15: Floppy| AIOSlave: Floppy exiting cleanly.
Jun 17 09:09:15: Floppy| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread Floppy (00793E68)
Jun 17 09:09:15: Floppy| Floppy IPC closed the connection with thread VMX (00DF5980)
Jun 17 09:09:15: Floppy| Floppy IPC The "VMX" thread exited cleanly.
Jun 17 09:09:15: Floppy| VTHREAD thread 5 start exiting
Jun 17 09:09:15: Floppy| VTHREAD thread 5 exiting, 1 left
Jun 17 09:09:15: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 5 "Floppy"
Jun 17 09:09:16: vmx| vmdbPipe_Streams: Couldn't read
Jun 17 09:09:16: vmx| VMX idle exit
Jun 17 09:09:16: vmx| Flushing VMX VMDB connections
Jun 17 09:09:16: vmx| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
Jun 17 09:09:16: vmx| VMX exit.

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 15.06.2005, 11:06

Feature Flags

Beitragvon skai007 » 15.10.2005, 13:56

das Problem hat sich immer noch nicht geklaert ...

Habe jetzt mal ein paar rechner untersucht in bezug auf die CPU

da gibt es ein paar kleine Unterschiede bei den Feature Flags

das APIC Flag ist bei den Maschinen wo es laeuft nicht gesetzt, die Maschinen wo das Flag gesetzt ist starten die VM nicht.

kann das Problem damit etaws zu tun haben bei manchen Maschinen gibt es auch noch erweieterer Flags ...

sogut bin ich bei den CPU flags nun auch nicht das ich da durchsteige hat jemand eine Idee dazu ?? Oder einen Vorschlag ob man die Flags aendern kann oder ob davon abzuraten ist ... ???

Bin ueber jeden Hinweis dankbar.

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 23.01.2005, 19:36

Beitragvon GT » 15.10.2005, 15:53

Ich habe eine ähnliches Problem, das ein Gast auf verschiedenen Host unterschiedlich läuft.

Das Gastsystem WinXP ist auf einem 32 Bit WindowsXP Host erstellt. Es läuft auf anderen Windows Hosts prima.
Nach dem Kopieren auf einen Host mit 64 Bit AMD CPU und Linux OS (Fedora 4 - 64Bitt) laufen im Gast einige Windows Prozesse dauerhaft mit 100% CPU Last und machen so die Maschine unbrauchbar.

Bin ratlos gewesen, ob an dem geänderten Host (von Windows auf Linux) oder an der geänderten CPU. Eure Beiträge scheinen aber darauf hinzudeuten, dass es an der CPU zu liegen scheint.

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 15.06.2005, 11:06

dies vermute ich auch schwer

Beitragvon skai007 » 17.10.2005, 11:26

habe eine kleine Untersuchung bei verschiedenen CPUs gemacht wo ein und die selbe VM laeuft oder auch nicht ... habe dazu "cpuinfo" verwendet und halt einige UNterschide bei den Feature Flags endeckt ....

komisch ist das wenn ich die VM in den Suspend Modus setzte und dann kopiere startet sie einamalig und ich kann arbeiten bekomme aber eine
Meldung am Anfang das irgendwas mit den FeatureFlags nicht stimmt ...

was meine untersuchungen mit CPUinfo ja auch sagen ....

allerdings laueft die VM auch im Windows Safe mode aber da kann ich
leider nicht die VMware Tools installieren oder etwas anderes machen
womit ich weiter komme ... oder habe ich etwas uebersehen, vergessen, ...

gibt es nicht jemanden der sich mit den CPUs etwas mehr auskennt als ich und vielleicht noch einen oder den anderenHinweis hat und mag er noch so klein sein vielleicht laesst sich das Problem ja doch loesen

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 17.10.2005, 12:16

@ skai007

du verwendest ja 4.5.1 - wieso ?????????????????????????

Also wenn 4.5 - dann nimm auf jeden Fall 4.5.2 - also built 8848 - und nicht 7568!!!

Mal sehen ob das nicht schon das Problem loest.


Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 15.06.2005, 11:06


Beitragvon skai007 » 17.10.2005, 14:15

nein ist auch mit 4.5.2. das Problem

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