Die Foren-SW läuft ohne erkennbare Probleme. Sollte doch etwas nicht funktionieren, bitte gerne hier jederzeit melden und wir kümmern uns zeitnah darum. Danke!

SUSE 9.1 Vmware 4.5.2 System friert sporadisch ein

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 11.02.2004, 08:47

SUSE 9.1 Vmware 4.5.2 System friert sporadisch ein

Beitragvon bluejg » 14.10.2004, 17:11


habe auf einem SUSE 9.1 host (mit allen Patchen) Win2000 als guest eingerichtet. Alles läuft auch gut, bis darauf, dass alle 2-3 Wochen das gesamte System bei Benutzung von VmWare einfriert. Es weden keine Befehle von Maus oder Tastatur angenommen, so dass nur noch ein kompletter Reboot hilft. Im Netzt oder mit der Suchfunktion habe ich leider nichts hilfreiches gefunden. Ebenso brachte ein Wechsel auf Slackware 9.1 keine Besserung; das Problem trat weiter auf.
Ich habe mal die Vmware.log angehängt:

Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Log for VMware Workstation pid=5934 version=4.5.2 build=build-8848 option=Release.4.5.2
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Command line: "/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx" "-@" "pipe=/tmp/vmware-wolfgang/vmx1f790e1966f8eda4;vm=1f790e1966f8eda4" "/home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional/Windows 2000 Professional.vmx"
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '/tmp/vmware-wolfgang/vmx1f790e1966f8eda4' with user '(null)'
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| ConfigDB: Set ConfigVersion to 7
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| ConfigDB: Set HWVersion to 3
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID numEntries=2 GenuineIntel
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID version=0xf29 features=0xbfebfbff extFeatures=0x4400 ebx=0x20809
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| pcpu #1 CPUID numEntries=2 GenuineIntel
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| pcpu #1 CPUID version=0xf29 features=0xbfebfbff extFeatures=0x4400 ebx=0x1020809
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| CPUID common features: 0xbfebfbff extFeatures: 0x4400
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| changing directory to /home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional/.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Config file: /home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional/Windows 2000 Professional.vmx
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| PowerOn
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| HOST sysname Linux, nodename dhcppc3, release 2.6.5-7.108-smp, version #1 SMP Wed Aug 25 13:34:40 UTC 2004, machine i686, SMP
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.grabOnKeyPress = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.destString =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.user =
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.tip.index = 12
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkLast = 1097758248
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.path = /vm/#1f790e1966f8eda4/
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.file = /home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional/Windows 2000 Professional.vmx
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.name = Windows 2000 Professional
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.dest = /host2/#4fda1e06412f3570/
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM.maxNum = 2
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = /home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional/Windows 2000 Professional.vmx:
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT hint.moninit.newKernel = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.currentVM = /vm/#1f790e1966f8eda4/
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 1020
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 692
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT hint.hostlinux.othervms = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.path = /vm/#6bfa24e2652fbb9e/
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.file = /home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional-0/Windows 2000 Professional.vmx
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.name = Windows 2000 Professional
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.dest = /host2/#4fda1e06412f3570/
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.tip.startup = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsReminder = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.autoFit = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT control.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-cmd
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT loop.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-loop
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmnet-dhcpd
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT libdir = /usr/lib/vmware
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.help = introduction.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.configurationEditor = config_editor_newvm.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.ideConfig = devices_virtualdrive.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.floppyConfig = devices_floppy.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.mouseConfig = devices_mouse.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.netConfig = devices_netadapter.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.parallelConfig = devices_parallel.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.serialConfig = devices_serial.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.soundConfig = devices_sound.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.memConfig = configvm_memory.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.miscConfig = configvm.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.usbConfig = devices_usb.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.displayConfig = configvm_display-problems.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT config.version = 7
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 3
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT memsize = 384
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:0.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:0.fileName = Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = /dev/cdrom
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = atapi-cdrom
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = /dev/fd0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT sound.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT displayName = Windows 2000 Professional
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT guestOS = win2000Pro
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT powerType.powerOff = default
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT powerType.powerOn = default
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT powerType.suspend = default
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT powerType.reset = default
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d 02 ea 43 03 5b 96-86 13 95 91 f7 c7 b8 aa
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d 02 ea 43 03 5b 96-86 13 95 91 f7 c7 b8 aa
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.addressType = generated
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:c7:b8:aa
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT sound.virtualDev = es1371
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tools.syncTime = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:1.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:1.fileName = Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:1.deviceType = plainDisk
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:2.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:2.fileName = /dev/cdrom
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:2.deviceType = cdrom-raw
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT usb.present = FALSE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:3.present = TRUE
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:3.fileName = /dev/hdd
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT scsi0:3.deviceType = cdrom-raw
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT control.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-cmd
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT loop.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-loop
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmnet-dhcpd
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT libdir = /usr/lib/vmware
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.help = introduction.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.configurationEditor = config_editor_newvm.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.ideConfig = devices_virtualdrive.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.floppyConfig = devices_floppy.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.mouseConfig = devices_mouse.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.netConfig = devices_netadapter.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.parallelConfig = devices_parallel.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.serialConfig = devices_serial.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.soundConfig = devices_sound.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.memConfig = configvm_memory.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.miscConfig = configvm.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.usbConfig = devices_usb.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.displayConfig = configvm_display-problems.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| LICENSE using: '/home/wolfgang/.vmware/license.ws.4.0'
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| MM: Using partialmap, 98304 pages AC 0 CE 0 TM 0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=928 recommended=928
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| hostMem=1024 maxAllowedAll=4096 maxAllowedVM=3600
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| totOverhead=16
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 928
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| WSSCAN: Overhead 103281 paged 13885 nonpaged
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| WSSCAN 1 36 237568 -1 237568 -1 50 0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable (offset ffbff000)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0xf28 features 0x1febfbff extFeatures 0x0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x9b1fe01
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.moninit.newKernel (not shown)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| APIC: Local APIC at 0xfee00000
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| APIC: IO APIC at 0xfec00000
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| KHZEstimate 2800060
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| MHZEstimate 2800
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| location-UUID is 56 4d 02 ea 43 03 5b 96-86 13 95 91 f7 c7 b8 aa
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Creating thread 'Floppy', type 16 from self, pid=5935
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD declare thread 5 "Floppy"
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Created AIO Floppy pid=5935 sharedArea=0x40b54000 size=0xa000
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 280664556682 @ 2800060000Hz -> 280664556682 @ 2800060000Hz
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| AIOGNRC: Starting 10 I/O threads.
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#0| VTHREAD thread 6 "IO#0" pid 5936 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 6 "IO#0"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#1| VTHREAD thread 7 "IO#1" pid 5937 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 7 "IO#1"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#2| VTHREAD thread 8 "IO#2" pid 5938 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 8 "IO#2"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#3| VTHREAD thread 9 "IO#3" pid 5939 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 9 "IO#3"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#4| VTHREAD thread 10 "IO#4" pid 5940 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 10 "IO#4"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#5| VTHREAD thread 11 "IO#5" pid 5941 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 11 "IO#5"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#6| VTHREAD thread 12 "IO#6" pid 5942 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 12 "IO#6"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#7| VTHREAD thread 13 "IO#7" pid 5943 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 13 "IO#7"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#8| VTHREAD thread 14 "IO#8" pid 5944 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 14 "IO#8"
Oct 14 15:33:42: IO#9| VTHREAD thread 15 "IO#9" pid 5945 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 15 "IO#9"
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| FILEIO: Reverting to buffered IO.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| SCSI0: UNTAGGED commands will be converted to ORDER tags.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: Treating disk 'Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk' as persistent
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: OPEN scsi:0:0 'Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk' persistent R[]
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| FILEIO: Found a previous instance of lock file '/home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional/Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk.WRITELOCK'. It will be removed automatically.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "Windows 2000 Professional-s001.vmdk" (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [1]: "Windows 2000 Professional-s002.vmdk" (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [2]: "Windows 2000 Professional-s003.vmdk" (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk' (0xa): twoGbMaxExtentSparse, 8388608 sectors / 4096 Mb.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-CACHE : 'Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk' : pgSz=4096 max=1048576 minRA=0 maxRA=61440 update=2000
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk" (flags 0xa).
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: OPEN 'Windows 2000 Professional.vmdk' Geo (522/255/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=27082Mb
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:0 : capacity=8388608
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: Treating disk 'Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk' as persistent
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: OPEN scsi:0:1 'Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk' persistent R[]
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| FILEIO: Found a previous instance of lock file '/home/wolfgang/Windows 2000 Professional/Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk.WRITELOCK'. It will be removed automatically.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f001.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [1]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f002.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [2]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f003.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [3]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f004.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [4]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f005.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [5]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f006.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [6]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f007.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [7]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f008.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [8]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f009.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [9]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f010.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [10]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f011.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [11]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f012.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [12]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f013.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [13]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f014.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [14]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f015.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [15]: "Windows 2000 Professional-0-f016.vmdk" 0 (0x2)
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk' (0xa): twoGbMaxExtentFlat, 62914560 sectors / 30720 Mb.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-CACHE : 'Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk' : pgSz=4096 max=1048576 minRA=0 maxRA=65536 update=2000
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk" (flags 0xa).
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: OPEN 'Windows 2000 Professional-0.vmdk' Geo (3916/255/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=27082Mb
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:1 : capacity=62914560
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:1 : geometry=3916/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:2 : capacity=0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:2 : geometry=0/0/0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:3 : capacity=0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:3 : geometry=0/0/0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:1 : toolsVersion = 5184
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DISK: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 5184
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| XINFO DGA version 2.0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| XINFO DGA event base 85, error base 158
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| XINFO WARNING: XF86MISC version 0.8
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VT redirected kernel output to /dev/tty1
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DVGA: DVGA is not supported since the host uses kernel framebuffer
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| DVGA: Full screen VGA will not be available.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Using unified VGA.
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 2799662 kHz
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:c7:b8:aa
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| VTHREAD thread 1 "mks" pid 5946 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| Async MKS thread is alive
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 1 "mks"
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" pid 5947 started
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: Setting up interrupts
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: version = 0x14, max LVT = 5
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: LDR = 0x1000000, DFR = 0xffffffff
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: spurious interrupt reg = 0x1ff
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: thermal interrupt reg = 0xf0
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: performance counter reg = 0x10000
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: timer interrupt reg = 0x200ef
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 0 reg = 0x10700
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 1 reg = 0x10400
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| APIC: local error reg = 0xfe
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: Setting up interrupts
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x8 -> 0x69, rtcReg=0x969
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| Monitor initialized: Release.4.5.2build-8848 (gcc). cflags: 0x00000040.2800dd10
Oct 14 15:33:42: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x9b1fe01
Oct 14 15:33:42: vmx| VNET: Notification enabled for Ethernet0
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| Attaching local console.
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO DGA version 2.0
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO DGA event base 85, error base 158
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO WARNING: XF86MISC version 0.8
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| VT redirected kernel output to /dev/tty1
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| rasterops MMXEXT accelerations enabled
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO unsupported XF86VidMode version: 2.2
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 0: 1024x768 flags: 0x0
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 1: 832x624 flags: 0xa
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 2: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 3: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 4: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 5: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 6: 800x600 flags: 0x5
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 7: 700x525 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 8: 640x512 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 9: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 10: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 11: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 12: 640x480 flags: 0xa
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 13: 640x480 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 14: 720x400 flags: 0x6
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 15: 640x400 flags: 0x6
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 16: 576x432 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 17: 640x350 flags: 0x9
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 18: 512x384 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 19: 512x384 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 20: 512x384 flags: 0x2a
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 21: 512x384 flags: 0x2a
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 22: 416x312 flags: 0x2a
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 23: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 24: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 25: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 26: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 27: 400x300 flags: 0x25
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 28: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 29: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 30: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 31: 320x240 flags: 0x2a
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 32: 320x200 flags: 0x26
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO XFree86 VidMode 33: 320x175 flags: 0x29
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO DGA acceleration supported
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO DGA pixmap supported
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO DGA 1024x768x4096, fbSize 3145728, flags 0x1f
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| XINFO DGA FB offset 0
Oct 14 15:33:42: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| sz=3009456
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0x00000000) and 0xf9000000(0x00000000)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the SBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 16384 bytes)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the SBIOS OPROM
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VLANCE OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 65536 bytes)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VLANCE OPROM
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1400 (0x0000)
Oct 14 15:33:43: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Oct 14 15:33:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the SBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 16384 bytes)
Oct 14 15:33:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the SBIOS OPROM
Oct 14 15:33:44: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:44: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:1 : geometry=3916/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VLANCE OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 65536 bytes)
Oct 14 15:33:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VLANCE OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 65536 bytes)
Oct 14 15:33:44: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VLANCE OPROM
Oct 14 15:33:45: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 02 ea 43 03 5b 96-86 13 95 91 f7 c7 b8 aa
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0x2000
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[20] = 0x007f
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[22] = 0xf58a
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[20] = 0x00fb
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[22] = 0x0400
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0xffff
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0xffff
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[16] = 0x09bf
Oct 14 15:33:46: vcpu-0| BUSLOGIC: Store HAL[18] = 0xfe02
Oct 14 15:33:48: mks| MKS lock got type None
Oct 14 15:33:51: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x1400 (0x1400)
Oct 14 15:33:51: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Oct 14 15:33:51: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1400 (0x0000)
Oct 14 15:33:51: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:1 : geometry=3916/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| SCSI0: RESET BUS
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:0 : geometry=522/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:1 : geometry=3916/255/63
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| SCSI-CDROM0:2: Allowing unknown command REPORT LUNS (0xa0). --ok
Oct 14 15:33:52: vmx| SCSI0:2 CDROM: CMD 0xa0 (REPORT LUNS) FAILED (key 0x5 asc 0x20 ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| SCSI-CDROM0:2: Allowing unknown command REPORT LUNS (0xa0). --ok
Oct 14 15:33:52: vmx| SCSI0:2 CDROM: CMD 0xa0 (REPORT LUNS) FAILED (key 0x5 asc 0x20 ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| SCSI-CDROM0:3: Allowing unknown command REPORT LUNS (0xa0). --ok
Oct 14 15:33:52: vmx| SCSI0:3 CDROM: CMD 0xa0 (REPORT LUNS) FAILED (key 0x5 asc 0x20 ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:33:52: vcpu-0| SCSI-CDROM0:3: Allowing unknown command REPORT LUNS (0xa0). --ok
Oct 14 15:33:52: vmx| SCSI0:3 CDROM: CMD 0xa0 (REPORT LUNS) FAILED (key 0x5 asc 0x20 ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:33:53: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:0): MODE SENSE(6) for unsupported page 0x1c
Oct 14 15:33:53: vcpu-0| SCSI DEVICE (scsi0:1): MODE SENSE(6) for unsupported page 0x1c
Oct 14 15:33:57: vcpu-0| Guest OS = 0x5007
Oct 14 15:33:57: vmx| SCSI0:2 CDROM: CMD 0x25 (READ CAPACITY) FAILED (key 0x2 asc 0x3a ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:34:05: vcpu-0| HostOps hideCursor before defineCursor!
Oct 14 15:34:08: vcpu-0| VMMouse: CMD Read ID
Oct 14 15:34:08: vcpu-0| KEYBOARD: Disabling PS/2 Mouse
Oct 14 15:34:08: vcpu-0| MKS switching absolute mouse on
Oct 14 15:34:10: vmx| SCSI0:2 CDROM: CMD 0x25 (READ CAPACITY) FAILED (key 0x2 asc 0x3a ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:34:10: vmx| SCSI0:2 CDROM: CMD 0x25 (READ CAPACITY) FAILED (key 0x2 asc 0x3a ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:34:10: vmx| SCSI0:2 CDROM: CMD 0x25 (READ CAPACITY) FAILED (key 0x2 asc 0x3a ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:34:10: vcpu-0| MKS Backdoor get pointer: first time, notify tools are running
Oct 14 15:34:10: vcpu-0| GuestRpc: Channel 1, registration number 1, guest application toolbox.
Oct 14 15:34:10: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:1 : toolsVersion = 5184
Oct 14 15:34:10: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 5184
Oct 14 15:34:10: vcpu-0| Guest: toolbox: Version: build-8848
Oct 14 15:34:10: vcpu-0| TOOLS setting the tools version to '5184'
Oct 14 15:34:10: vcpu-0| TOOLS unified loop capability requested by 'toolbox'; now sending options via TCLO
Oct 14 15:34:25: mks| MKS lost grab
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| MKS FSS begin: requesting monitor stop
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| MKS FSS waiting for monitor
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| MKS FSS monitor stopped when asked)
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| MKS FSS end: success halted normal
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| Setting DGA origin to (0,0)
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XINFO DGA acceleration supported
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XINFO DGA pixmap supported
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XINFO DGA 1024x768x4096, fbSize 3145728, flags 0x1f
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XInfoDGA2SetMode: index 170, mode 171
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XInfoDGA2SetMode: image (1024, 16224)
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XInfoDGA2SetMode: viewport (1024, 768)
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XInfoDGA2SetMode: origin (0, 0)
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XINFO DGA start 0xf0000 size 3145728 bank size 3145728 pitch 4096
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| XINFO DGA addr 0x5d502000
Oct 14 15:34:26: mks| MKS FSS release vcpus after ack
Oct 14 15:34:30: vcpu-0| TOOLS unified loop capability requested by 'toolbox-dnd'; now sending options via TCLO
Oct 14 15:34:30: vcpu-0| GuestRpc: Channel 2, registration number 1, guest application toolbox-dnd.
Oct 14 15:34:30: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:1 : toolsVersion = 5184
Oct 14 15:34:30: vcpu-0| DISK: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 5184
Oct 14 15:34:30: vcpu-0| GuestRpc: Channel 2 reinitialized.
Oct 14 15:34:34: vmx| SCSI0:2 CDROM: CMD 0x43 (READ TOC) FAILED (key 0x2 asc 0x3a ascq 0)
Oct 14 15:35:13: mks| MKS FSS begin: requesting monitor stop
Oct 14 15:35:13: mks| MKS FSS waiting for monitor
Oct 14 15:35:13: mks| MKS FSS monitor stopped when asked)
Oct 14 15:35:13: mks| MKS FSS end: success halted normal
Oct 14 15:35:14: mks| MKS FSS release vcpus after ack
Oct 14 16:06:25: vmx| ATAPI_CDROM: LOCKDOOR failed: Device or resource busy (4098)
Oct 14 16:06:29: vmx| ATAPI_CDROM: LOCKDOOR failed: Device or resource busy (4098)
Oct 14 16:08:01: vmx| SCSI0:1: Command WRITE(10) took 2.540 seconds (ok)
Oct 14 16:08:01: vmx| SCSI0:1: Command WRITE(10) took 2.509 seconds (ok)
Oct 14 16:18:04: vmx| SCSI0:1: Command READ(10) took 2.482 seconds (ok)
Oct 14 16:18:05: vmx| SCSI0:1: Command WRITE(10) took 2.650 seconds (ok)
Oct 14 16:18:05: vmx| SCSI0:1: Command WRITE(10) took 1.321 seconds (ok)
Oct 14 16:42:57: vcpu-0| SCSI0: RESET BUS
Oct 14 16:43:16: vcpu-0| SCSI0:1: Command WRITE(10) took 20.407 seconds (ok)
Oct 14 16:43:16: vcpu-0| SCSI0:1: Command READ(10) took 30.462 seconds (ok)

Mit besten Grüßen

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 14.10.2004, 21:31

was ist das denn:
scsi0:2.present = TRUE
scsi0:2.fileName = /dev/cdrom
scsi0:2.deviceType = cdrom-raw

scsi0:3.present = TRUE
scsi0:3.fileName = /dev/hdd
scsi0:3.deviceType = cdrom-raw

Damit komme ich auch nicht klar - was ist das? Wieso machst du das so?
??? ??? ???


Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 11.02.2004, 08:47

Beitragvon bluejg » 14.10.2004, 22:03


ich habe meinen DVD-Brenner (dev/cdrom) und mein DVD-Laufwerk (/dev/hdd) als SCSI-Geräte eingebunden.
Ist daran etwas falsch und was kann ich besser machen? Ich hoffe, Du kannst mir weiterhelfen?


Beiträge: 1599
Registriert: 16.10.2002, 20:13
Wohnort: Köln

Beitragvon minimike » 15.10.2004, 00:12

laufen die mit SCSI emulation ? CDrecord brennt neuerdings ( gähn ) auch über ATAPI, las bei mir aber weiter alles per SCSI laufen. Ich find es zu anstrengend es umzustellen.

Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 11.02.2004, 08:47

Beitragvon bluejg » 15.10.2004, 00:16

Laufen alle über SCSI-Emulation. Habe jetzt eingebunden über /dev/dvdram und /dev/dvd. Schaue mal was jetzt passiert.


Beiträge: 1599
Registriert: 16.10.2002, 20:13
Wohnort: Köln

Beitragvon minimike » 15.10.2004, 00:42

Hier gutes Howto http://www.newbie-net.de/anleitung_scsiemu.html

Die Devices heissen dann /dev/scd0 und /dev/scd1 es wird durchnummeriert was zuerst gefunden wird.
Beispiel: ich habe einen alten aber guten SCSI-Brenner die Module werden hierfür zuerst geladen somit ist er hiermit /dev/scd0 und 2 IDE CD-Laufwerke die mit SCSI emulation laufen die heissen dann /dev/scd1 und /dev/scd2

zur Kontrolle
sarge:/home/mike# cdrecord --scanbus
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a34 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jörg Schilling
NOTE: this version of cdrecord is an inofficial (modified) release of cdrecord
and thus may have bugs that are not present in the original version.
Please send bug reports and support requests to <cdrtools@packages.debian.org>.
The original author should not be bothered with problems of this version.

Linux sg driver version: 3.5.31
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
0,0,0 0) *
0,1,0 1) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-R PX-W124TS' '1.07' Removable CD-ROM
0,2,0 2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *
1,0,0 100) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-R PX-W4824A' '1.05' Removable CD-ROM
1,1,0 101) *
1,2,0 102) *
1,3,0 103) *
1,4,0 104) *
1,5,0 105) *
1,6,0 106) *
1,7,0 107) *

Das Plextor DVD Laufwerk hat dem Dauerrippen nicht Stand gehalten und ist derzeit auf Reisen zwecks Austausch

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 15.10.2004, 00:53

Brauch dein Gast denn wirklich 2 Laufwerke?
Es sieht mir so aus als wuerde das letzte Geraet in der SCSI-kette nach einer LUN gefragt - dieses Teil kann aber nicht ordentlich darauf antworten und alles schlaeft ...


Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 11.02.2004, 08:47

Beitragvon bluejg » 15.10.2004, 15:17

So, ich habe jetzt folgendes gemacht:
-Einbindung von /dev/dvdram und /dev/dvd als SCSI-Emulation = Einfrieren nach 10 Minuten
-Überprüfung der SCSI-Emulation nach minimike´s link = alles in Ordnung
-Einbindung von nur /dev/dvdram = Absturz nach 30 Minuten, in der .log-Datei dutzende von vergeblichen Versuchen, das Gerät anzusprechen
- Einbindung von nur /dev/dvd = VM läuft unter Last seit mehren Stunden stabil (komme auch nur mit einem Laufwerk aus)
Wenn es jetzt funktionieren sollte, verstehe das wer will.
Danke für die bisherige Hilfe.

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