Die Foren-SW läuft ohne erkennbare Probleme. Sollte doch etwas nicht funktionieren, bitte gerne hier jederzeit melden und wir kümmern uns zeitnah darum. Danke!

VMware Workstation 4.5.2 geht einfach aus ... Hilfe

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.08.2004, 14:44

VMware Workstation 4.5.2 geht einfach aus ... Hilfe

Beitragvon microtronx » 23.08.2004, 14:48

Hallo zusammen,

seitdem ich VMware 4.5.2 Workstation for Windows im Einsatz habe, steigen bei mir die Gäste einfach aus. Die virtuellen Maschinen schalten sich einfach nacheinander / durcheinander aus (das gleiche wenn ich auf PowerOFF klicke) ... passiert sporadisch ohne irgendwelche Fehler z.b. im Eventlog oder so.

Host-System: WindowsXP ServicePack2, 1024MB ram, Intel-Mobile 1.6Ghz
Gast-Systeme: WindowsXP SP1 und SP2

Danke für jede Hilfe.


Beiträge: 65
Registriert: 14.05.2004, 10:56

Re: VMware Workstation 4.5.2 geht einfach aus ... Hilfe

Beitragvon DCaratella » 23.08.2004, 14:59

microtronx hat geschrieben:Hallo zusammen,

seitdem ich VMware 4.5.2 Workstation for Windows im Einsatz habe, steigen bei mir die Gäste einfach aus. Die virtuellen Maschinen schalten sich einfach nacheinander / durcheinander aus (das gleiche wenn ich auf PowerOFF klicke) ... passiert sporadisch ohne irgendwelche Fehler z.b. im Eventlog oder so.

Host-System: WindowsXP ServicePack2, 1024MB ram, Intel-Mobile 1.6Ghz
Gast-Systeme: WindowsXP SP1 und SP2

Danke für jede Hilfe.


Das liegt an Service Pack 2! VMware wird denk ich mal vom SP2 nicht unterstützt! nach welcher zeit schalten se sich denn aus ?

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.08.2004, 14:44

Beitragvon microtronx » 23.08.2004, 15:09

Total unterschiedlich aber immer erst nach mehr als 1-2 Stunden. Heute ists nach ca. 3 Stunden passiert. Dann aber nacheinander in beiden Guests.

Edit: Ähm, an SP2 liegts wahrscheinlich nicht unbedingt, da ich das Problem schon vor dem SP2 hatte ... nur nicht so oft.

Beiträge: 65
Registriert: 14.05.2004, 10:56

Beitragvon DCaratella » 23.08.2004, 15:19

microtronx hat geschrieben:Total unterschiedlich aber immer erst nach mehr als 1-2 Stunden. Heute ists nach ca. 3 Stunden passiert. Dann aber nacheinander in beiden Guests.

Edit: Ähm, an SP2 liegts wahrscheinlich nicht unbedingt, da ich das Problem schon vor dem SP2 hatte ... nur nicht so oft.

Ok :-) war nur mal so ne "vorsichtige Vermutung", da ich es mit dem SP2 noch nicht probiert habe und vorerst auch nicht probieren werde! wenns am SP2 liegen würde, wären die VMs ... schon nach einigen sekunden ausgestiegen

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.08.2004, 14:44

Beitragvon microtronx » 23.08.2004, 16:48

DCaratella hat geschrieben:
microtronx hat geschrieben:Total unterschiedlich aber immer erst nach mehr als 1-2 Stunden. Heute ists nach ca. 3 Stunden passiert. Dann aber nacheinander in beiden Guests.

Edit: Ähm, an SP2 liegts wahrscheinlich nicht unbedingt, da ich das Problem schon vor dem SP2 hatte ... nur nicht so oft.

Ok :-) war nur mal so ne "vorsichtige Vermutung", da ich es mit dem SP2 noch nicht probiert habe und vorerst auch nicht probieren werde! wenns am SP2 liegen würde, wären die VMs ... schon nach einigen sekunden ausgestiegen

Hat sonst noch jemand eine Idee oder ähnliche Probleme? :roll:
Danke für jeden Tip.

Beiträge: 1425
Registriert: 11.08.2004, 17:08
Wohnort: Paderborn

Beitragvon MSueper » 24.08.2004, 20:25

ne dumme Idee: sind irgendwelche Einstellungen unter "Energieoptionen" wie Standby nach gewisser Idle-Time oder so aktiviert?

Wie sieht den der XP-Gast nach dem Restart aus? Wie ein abgestürztes XP, das in den "abgesicherten Modus" will?

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 24.08.2004, 19:04

Beitragvon guest-x » 24.08.2004, 21:10

also sp2 schließe ich als Ursache mal aus..

Habe das auch auf dem Guest laufen und läuft super stabil

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.08.2004, 14:44

Beitragvon microtronx » 25.08.2004, 09:09

MSueper hat geschrieben:Hallo,
ne dumme Idee: sind irgendwelche Einstellungen unter "Energieoptionen" wie Standby nach gewisser Idle-Time oder so aktiviert?

Wie sieht den der XP-Gast nach dem Restart aus? Wie ein abgestürztes XP, das in den "abgesicherten Modus" will?

Hi, in den Energie-Optionen habe ich nur Monitor nach 20 Min ausschalten. Das funktioniert auch.

Beiträge: 229
Registriert: 03.07.2004, 18:36
Wohnort: 77927 Mahlberg

Beitragvon clabo » 25.08.2004, 15:37


was sagt denn Dr. Watson (drwtsn32.exe) zu der Situation? VMWare
läuft als Ring 3 Applikation und wird bei Fehlern terminiert.

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 25.08.2004, 20:04

Poste mal ein vmware.log wenn die VM sich gerade ausgestellt hat.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.08.2004, 14:44

Beitragvon microtronx » 25.08.2004, 22:47

clabo hat geschrieben:Hallo,

was sagt denn Dr. Watson (drwtsn32.exe) zu der Situation? VMWare
läuft als Ring 3 Applikation und wird bei Fehlern terminiert.

Die VMWARE Applikation läuft einwandfrei weiter. Nur ist halt die Virtuelle (eine von mehreren) einfach aus.

Ich werde beim nächsten Vorfall die VMWARE.LOG posten.

Danke schonmal im Voraus.

Beiträge: 122
Registriert: 12.05.2004, 12:46
Wohnort: Schweiz

Gleiches Problem

Beitragvon rosco » 26.08.2004, 12:51

Hallo Leute...

Habe seit ca. 3 Wochen das gleiche Problem, nur mit dem unterschied das sich zeitweise der Host auch gleich mit ausschaltet, und dann neu bootet.

Aber nur vereinzelt..
Zeitweise laufen die Systeme (Host) 1 Wochen ohne Probleme durch, und anderseits hängen sie sich eben nach ca. 2-3 Std. einfach auf.
Ist das ein Bug in VMware 4.5.2?
Ist ne nervige Sache...

p.s. habe VMware schon zich mal neu installiert.

Host : Windows XP --> 1024MB Ram --> Prozessor AMD 2700
Gast: Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows 2003 Server

Wäre nett wenn da jemand noch irgendwelche Ideen hätte.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.08.2004, 14:44

VMWARE geht einfach aus!! Anbei LOG

Beitragvon microtronx » 07.09.2004, 12:07


hatte heute wieder :!: das Problem. Anbei die vmware.log Datei. Vielleicht kann jetzt einer den Fehler lokalisieren.

Mfg. + Danke, :cry:

Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| Log for VMware Workstation pid=3352 version=4.5.2 build=build-8848 option=Release.4.5.2
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| Command line: "C:\Programme\VMware\VMware Workstation\bin\vmware-vmx.exe" "-@" "pipe=\\.\pipe\vmxa943c7683165c1d2; vm=a943c7683165c1d2" "d:\virtual\muc299\muc299.vmx"
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '\\.\pipe\vmxa943c7683165c1d2' with user '(null)'
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| ConfigDB: Set ConfigVersion to 7
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| ConfigDB: Set HWVersion to 3
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00330000 size=0x000cd000 name=LIBEAY32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x00395000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x61dc0000 size=0x0000e000 name=MFC42LOC.DLL
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000d000 name=ntwrap.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a00000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a10000 size=0x00017000 name=WS2_32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a30000 size=0x0000a000 name=WSOCK32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72210000 size=0x0002b000 name=DINPUT.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73d30000 size=0x000fe000 name=MFC42.DLL
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73e70000 size=0x0005c000 name=DSOUND.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74a60000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76730000 size=0x00009000 name=shfolder.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76af0000 size=0x0002e000 name=WINMM.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bb0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773a0000 size=0x00102000 name=comctl32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x774b0000 size=0x0013c000 name=ole32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x778f0000 size=0x000f4000 name=setupapi.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77bd0000 size=0x00008000 name=VERSION.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77be0000 size=0x00058000 name=MSVCRT.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d10000 size=0x00090000 name=USER32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e50000 size=0x00091000 name=RPCRT4.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77ef0000 size=0x00046000 name=GDI32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f40000 size=0x00076000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77fc0000 size=0x00011000 name=Secur32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c800000 size=0x00106000 name=kernel32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c910000 size=0x000b7000 name=ntdll.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x6074e000, potential=0x6162b000 start=0x00795000
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| CPU #0 TSC = 401015022966
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| TSC delta 0
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 1598642 kHz
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID numEntries=2 GenuineIntel
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| pcpu #0 CPUID version=0x695 features=0xa7e9f9bf extFeatures=0x180 ebx=0x816
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| CPUID common features: 0xa7e9f9bf extFeatures: 0x180
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00330000 size=0x000cd000 name=LIBEAY32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x00395000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x61dc0000 size=0x0000e000 name=MFC42LOC.DLL
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000d000 name=ntwrap.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a00000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a10000 size=0x00017000 name=WS2_32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71a30000 size=0x0000a000 name=WSOCK32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72210000 size=0x0002b000 name=DINPUT.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73d30000 size=0x000fe000 name=MFC42.DLL
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73e70000 size=0x0005c000 name=DSOUND.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74a60000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76730000 size=0x00009000 name=shfolder.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76af0000 size=0x0002e000 name=WINMM.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bb0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773a0000 size=0x00102000 name=comctl32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x774b0000 size=0x0013c000 name=ole32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x778f0000 size=0x000f4000 name=setupapi.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77bd0000 size=0x00008000 name=VERSION.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77be0000 size=0x00058000 name=MSVCRT.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d10000 size=0x00090000 name=USER32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e50000 size=0x00091000 name=RPCRT4.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77ef0000 size=0x00046000 name=GDI32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f40000 size=0x00076000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77fc0000 size=0x00011000 name=Secur32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c800000 size=0x00106000 name=kernel32.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7c910000 size=0x000b7000 name=ntdll.dll
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x6074e000, potential=0x6162b000 start=0x00795000
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| changing directory to d:\virtual\muc299\.
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| Config file: d:\virtual\muc299\muc299.vmx
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| PowerOn
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 2"
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.MigrateWS3To4 = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.motionScroll = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 116
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 129
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 1272
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 894
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = d:\virtual\muc299\muc299.vmx;D:\VIRTUAL\MSI_2\winXPPro.vmx;C:\VMWARE_REDO\LINUX\mxbaloon.vmx;H:\Virtual Machines\MSI_2\winXPPro.vmx;D:\VIRTUAL\MXWinXP\MSI.vmx;C:\VMWARE_REDO\LINUX\QULHWD.vmx;D:\VIRTUAL\Rettung\win2000Pro.vmx;H:\Virtual Machines\zC520\winXPPro.vmx;
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.guestos.xp = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.suspended = H:\Virtual Machines\MSI_2\winXPPro.vmx;D:\VIRTUAL\MXWin98\MXWin98.vmx;D:\VIRTUAL\MUC299\MUC299_WinXP.vmx;G:\Virtual Machines\MXWin98\MXWin98.vmx;
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.mks.fullscreen = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.currentVM = /vm/#d311f1f9c3c5ec27/
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.file = H:\BACKUPS\BACKUP.MSI\msi1_21082004\MXWinXP\MSI.vmx
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM.maxNum = 3
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.autoFit = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.view.favorites = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.file = d:\virtual\muc299\muc299.vmx
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.hotkey.control = -1
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.hotkey.shift = 1
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.defaultVMPath = D:\VIRTUAL
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM2.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM2.file = D:\VIRTUAL\MSI_2\winXPPro.vmx
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.motionUngrab = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.vmxvmdb.poweronLegacyUndoable = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.monitorevent.halt = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.vide.noATAPIDMA = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM2.path = /vm/#d311f1f9c3c5ec27/
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM2.name = MSI2 (Delphi7)
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM3.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM3.path = /vm/#b65da0ed8ecc4ae5/
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM3.file = H:\BACKUPS\BACKUP.MSI\msi1_21082004\MXWinXP\MSI.vmx
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM3.name = MSI 1 - OLD
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.tip.startup = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.tip.index = 1
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.path = /vm/#b65da0ed8ecc4ae5/
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.name = MSI 1 - OLD
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.path = /vm/#a943c7683165c1d2/
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM1.name = MUC299
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkLast = 1093717266
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.powerOff = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.monitorInit.mem.hostovercommit = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.view.homepage = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkPeriod = weekly
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.monitorInit.mem.hostovercommitResume = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.hideCursorOnUngrab = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.exchangeSelections = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsReminder = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.grabOnKeyPress = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsImage = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.destString =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.user =
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.kvm = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.motionGrab = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.width = 121
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.disk.rawacpi = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.scsi.needDriver = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.hbaHosted.rawDisk = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM4.path = /vm/#831975b59f814643/
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM4.file = H:\Virtual Machines\MSI_2\winXPPro.vmx
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM4.name = MSI2 (Delphi7)
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT hint.usb.generic.stopDevice = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.minVmMemPct = 50
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = high
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.minVmMemPct = 50
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = high
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT config.version = 7
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 3
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT scsi0.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT memsize = 320
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = Windows XP Professional.vmdk
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT floppy0.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sound.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sound.fileName = -1
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT displayName = MUC299
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT guestOS = winXPPro
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = idle
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide0:1.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide0:1.fileName = MUC299_DATEN.vmdk
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT usb.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sound.virtualDev = es1371
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.enabled = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.readAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.writeAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.hostPath = C:\
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.guestName = C
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.expiration = never
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.enabled = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.readAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.writeAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.hostPath = D:\ZPATCHER
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.guestName = zpatcher
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.expiration = never
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder.maxNum = 4
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.addressType = generated
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d f3 95 83 02 23 0e-f2 f6 b9 9b 1c cb cd 88
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d f3 95 83 02 23 0e-f2 f6 b9 9b 1c cb cd 88
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:cb:cd:88
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT tools.syncTime = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.connectionType = custom
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.vnet = VMnet0
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT redoLogDir = .
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT gui.exitOnCLIHLT = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT undopoint.action = prompt
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet1.present = FALSE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet1.addressType = generated
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ethernet1.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:6c:7c:bc
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ethernet1.generatedAddressOffset = 10
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT ide0:1.mode = independent-persistent
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.startConnected = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet1.startConnected = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT Ethernet1.connectionType = nat
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder2.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder2.enabled = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder2.readAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder2.writeAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder2.hostPath = D:\
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder2.guestName = D
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder2.expiration = never
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder3.present = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder3.enabled = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder3.readAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder3.writeAccess = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder3.hostPath = H:\
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder3.guestName = maxtor
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sharedFolder3.expiration = never
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT sound.startConnected = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.minVmMemPct = 50
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = high
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT prefvmx.minVmMemPct = 50
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = high
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.guestos.xp (not shown)
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| GetSystemTimeAdjustment returned unknown clockInterval 100144
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\License.ws.4.0'
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| MM: Using partialmap, 81920 pages AC 0 CE 0 TM 0
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=896 recommended=896
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| hostMem=1024 maxAllowedAll=4096 maxAllowedVM=3600
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| totOverhead=16
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 896
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| WSSCAN: Overhead 86897 paged 13595 nonpaged
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| WSSCAN 1 36 189572 189572 229376 235834 50 0
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable (offset ffbff000)
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x698 features 0x7e9fbbf extFeatures 0x180
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x51fe01
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| APIC: IO APIC at 0xfec00000
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| KHZEstimate 1598642
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| MHZEstimate 1599
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| location-UUID is 56 4d f3 95 83 02 23 0e-f2 f6 b9 9b 1c cb cd 88
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 401491128196 @ 1598642000Hz -> 401491128196 @ 1598642000Hz
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0
Sep 07 10:09:43: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
Sep 07 10:09:43: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Sep 07 10:09:43: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
Sep 07 10:09:43: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DISK: Treating disk 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' as persistent
Sep 07 10:09:43: vmx| DISK: OPEN ide:0:0 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' persistent R[]
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "Windows XP Professional.vmdk" (0x2)
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' (0xa): monolithicSparse, 10485760 sectors / 5120 Mb.
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-CACHE : 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' : pgSz=4096 max=1048576 minRA=0 maxRA=61440 update=2000
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "Windows XP Professional.vmdk" (flags 0xa).
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISK: OPEN 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' Geo (10402/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=1507Mb
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISK: Treating disk 'MUC299_DATEN.vmdk' as independent-persistent
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISK: OPEN ide:0:1 'MUC299_DATEN.vmdk' independent-persistent R[]
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "MUC299_DATEN.vmdk" (0x2)
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened 'MUC299_DATEN.vmdk' (0xa): monolithicSparse, 8388608 sectors / 4096 Mb.
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-CACHE : 'MUC299_DATEN.vmdk' : pgSz=4096 max=1048576 minRA=0 maxRA=61440 update=2000
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "MUC299_DATEN.vmdk" (flags 0xa).
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISK: OPEN 'MUC299_DATEN.vmdk' Geo (8322/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=1507Mb
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| SCSI0: UNTAGGED commands will be converted to ORDER tags.
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISK: ide0:1 : toolsVersion = 5184
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| DISK: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 5184
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| Display orientation is default.
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| Display frequency is 60HZ
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| Using unified VGA.
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend
Sep 07 10:09:44: usbEnum| VTHREAD thread 6 "usbEnum" host id 3516 started
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 6 "usbEnum"
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:cb:cd:88
Sep 07 10:09:44: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 2 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| SOUND: ES1371Win32GetDevNum: sound device -1 not found. Using default.
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0xf10000,0x1000) returns 0x1e7
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages from 0x00F10000 to 0x00F11000
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0xf12000,0x0) returns 0x57
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages from 0x00F12000 to 0x00F12000
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| VTHREAD thread 1 "mks" host id 3524 started
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 1 "mks"
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| Async MKS thread is alive
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" host id 3528 started
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| Attaching local console.
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| Display orientation is default.
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| Display frequency is 60HZ
Sep 07 10:09:45: kbh| VTHREAD thread 7 "kbh" host id 3532 started
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| VTHREAD create thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Sep 07 10:09:45: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| DnD rpc already set to 1
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: unsupported version 0xff
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| Monitor initialized: Release.4.5.2build-8848 (gcc). cflags: 0x00000040.2800dc10
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x51fe01
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:0 : capacity=10485760
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:1 : capacity=8388608
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| VNET: Notification enabled for Ethernet0
Sep 07 10:09:45: vmx| MACVNET: Notification Enabled for Ethernet0
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| sz=3012304
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0x00000000) and 0xf9000000(0x00000000)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the SBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 16384 bytes)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the SBIOS OPROM
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VLANCE OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 65536 bytes)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VLANCE OPROM
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VBIOS OPROM
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1460 (0x0000)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Sep 07 10:09:45: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
Sep 07 10:09:46: vcpu-0| SIO: Skipping bogus enable for COM1
Sep 07 10:09:46: vcpu-0| SIO: Skipping bogus enable for COM2
Sep 07 10:09:46: vcpu-0| SIO: Skipping bogus enable for FDC
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the SBIOS OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 16384 bytes)
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the SBIOS OPROM
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VLANCE OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 65536 bytes)
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to map the VLANCE OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 65536 bytes)
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| PCI OPROM: Asked to unmap the VLANCE OPROM
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 10402 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 10485760
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 8322 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 8388608
Sep 07 10:09:47: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d f3 95 83 02 23 0e-f2 f6 b9 9b 1c cb cd 88
Sep 07 10:09:48: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0x2000
Sep 07 10:09:51: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x1460 (0x1460)
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1460 (0x0000)
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 10402 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 10485760
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 8322 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 8388608
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| CDROM: Mode Sense for Unsupported Page 0x1B
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| SCSI0: RESET BUS
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| VIDE: (0x1f0) Asked to turn write caching ON.
Sep 07 10:09:52: vcpu-0| VIDE: (0x1f0) Asked to turn write caching ON.
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371Codec: attempting to read, but read data not ready
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to write 0xffff to address 0
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371Codec: attempting to read, but read data not ready
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x4
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x6
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x8
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0xa
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x1e
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x20
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x22
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x24
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x2a
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x2c
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x2e
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x30
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x32
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x34
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x36
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x38
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x3a
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x3c
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x3e
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x40
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x42
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x44
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x46
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x48
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x4a
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x4c
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to access unimplemented ac97 register 0x4e
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| PCISoundWin32 mixerGetLineInfo error 11
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| PCISoundWin32 mixerGetLineInfo error 11
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| PCISoundWin32: mixerGetLineControls (mute) error 1025
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| PCISoundWin32 mixerGetLineInfo error 11
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to write 0x8000 to address 0xa
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| PCISoundWin32: mixerGetLineControls (mute) error 1025
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| ES1371IOCodec: attempting to write 0x200 to address 0x20
Sep 07 10:10:06: vcpu-0| PCISoundWin32 mixerGetLineInfo error 11
Sep 07 10:10:08: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
Sep 07 10:10:08: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering IOSpace at 0x1460 (0x1460)
Sep 07 10:10:08: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:10:08: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x1460 (0x0000)
Sep 07 10:10:08: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfa000000(0xfa000000) and 0xf9000000(0xf9000000)
Sep 07 10:10:08: vcpu-0| Guest OS = 0x5015
Sep 07 10:10:21: vcpu-0| HostOps hideCursor before defineCursor!
Sep 07 10:10:27: kbh| VTHREAD thread 7 "kbh" host id 4048 started
Sep 07 10:10:27: mks| VTHREAD create thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:10:27: vcpu-0| VMMouse: CMD Read ID
Sep 07 10:10:27: vcpu-0| KEYBOARD: Disabling PS/2 Mouse
Sep 07 10:10:27: vcpu-0| MKS switching absolute mouse on
Sep 07 10:10:27: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 4052 started
Sep 07 10:10:27: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:10:30: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:10:30: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:10:37: vcpu-0| MKS Backdoor get pointer: first time, notify tools are running
Sep 07 10:10:37: vcpu-0| GuestRpc: Channel 1, registration number 1, guest application toolbox.
Sep 07 10:10:37: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:1 : toolsVersion = 5184
Sep 07 10:10:37: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 5184
Sep 07 10:10:37: vcpu-0| Guest: toolbox: Version: build-8848
Sep 07 10:10:37: vcpu-0| TOOLS setting the tools version to '5184'
Sep 07 10:10:37: vcpu-0| TOOLS unified loop capability requested by 'toolbox'; now sending options via TCLO
Sep 07 10:10:44: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:10:45: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2900 started
Sep 07 10:10:45: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:10:46: vcpu-0| TOOLS unified loop capability requested by 'toolbox-dnd'; now sending options via TCLO
Sep 07 10:10:46: vcpu-0| GuestRpc: Channel 2, registration number 1, guest application toolbox-dnd.
Sep 07 10:10:46: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:1 : toolsVersion = 5184
Sep 07 10:10:46: vcpu-0| DISK: ide0:0 : toolsVersion = 5184
Sep 07 10:10:46: vcpu-0| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '1'
Sep 07 10:10:46: vmx| DnD rpc already set to 1
Sep 07 10:11:38: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:11:39: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 1080 started
Sep 07 10:11:39: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:11:39: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:11:40: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 1736 started
Sep 07 10:11:40: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:11:49: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:11:49: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 44099 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:11:49: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:11:49: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 44099 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:12:14: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:12:14: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:12:16: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:12:16: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:12:24: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:12:24: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:12:35: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:12:37: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3540 started
Sep 07 10:12:37: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:05: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:06: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3104 started
Sep 07 10:13:06: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:08: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:09: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3296 started
Sep 07 10:13:09: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:09: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:09: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3392 started
Sep 07 10:13:09: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:10: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:10: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 208 started
Sep 07 10:13:10: mks| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:22: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:13:22: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:13:24: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:13:24: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 1904 started
Sep 07 10:13:24: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:14:32: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:14:32: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 1012 started
Sep 07 10:14:32: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:14:32: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:14:33: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 1204 started
Sep 07 10:14:33: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:16:03: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:16:04: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3056 started
Sep 07 10:16:04: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:16:11: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:16:11: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:16:17: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:16:17: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:16:21: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:16:21: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:16:25: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:16:25: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:16:26: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:16:26: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:16:28: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:16:28: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:16:42: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:16:42: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:18:20: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:18:20: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2368 started
Sep 07 10:18:20: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:21:55: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:21:55: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 344 started
Sep 07 10:21:55: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:21:55: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:21:55: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 348 started
Sep 07 10:21:55: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:21:55: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:21:55: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 900 started
Sep 07 10:21:55: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:23:32: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:23:32: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:23:45: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:23:45: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:24:34: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:24:34: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:28:51: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:28:52: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3752 started
Sep 07 10:28:52: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:31:24: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:31:24: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3800 started
Sep 07 10:31:24: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:31:50: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:31:50: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3076 started
Sep 07 10:31:50: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:32:51: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:32:54: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3308 started
Sep 07 10:32:54: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:33:17: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:33:18: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3844 started
Sep 07 10:33:18: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:33:31: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:33:33: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3316 started
Sep 07 10:33:33: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:33:33: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:33:33: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:33:33: mks| Detatching local console.
Sep 07 10:33:42: mks| Attaching local console.
Sep 07 10:33:42: mks| Display orientation is default.
Sep 07 10:33:42: mks| Display frequency is 60HZ
Sep 07 10:33:45: kbh| VTHREAD thread 7 "kbh" host id 3208 started
Sep 07 10:33:45: mks| VTHREAD create thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:33:45: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Sep 07 10:33:47: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3348 started
Sep 07 10:33:47: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:34:34: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:34:34: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 968 started
Sep 07 10:34:34: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:35:05: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:35:07: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:36:29: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:36:30: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 492 started
Sep 07 10:36:30: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:36:31: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:36:32: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3536 started
Sep 07 10:36:32: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:37:38: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:37:38: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:37:40: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:37:40: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:37:43: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:37:43: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:38:06: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:38:07: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2612 started
Sep 07 10:38:07: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:38:07: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:38:07: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2776 started
Sep 07 10:38:07: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:38:23: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:38:24: mks| Detatching local console.
Sep 07 10:38:24: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:38:34: mks| Attaching local console.
Sep 07 10:38:34: mks| Display orientation is default.
Sep 07 10:38:34: mks| Display frequency is 60HZ
Sep 07 10:38:34: kbh| VTHREAD thread 7 "kbh" host id 2024 started
Sep 07 10:38:34: mks| VTHREAD create thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:38:34: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Sep 07 10:38:34: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 220 started
Sep 07 10:38:34: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:38:51: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:38:53: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3380 started
Sep 07 10:38:53: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:39:06: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:39:07: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 276 started
Sep 07 10:39:07: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:39:39: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:39:39: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3964 started
Sep 07 10:39:39: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:39:56: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:39:57: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2740 started
Sep 07 10:39:57: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:40:49: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:40:49: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3644 started
Sep 07 10:40:49: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:40:54: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:40:54: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:41:32: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:41:33: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 4012 started
Sep 07 10:41:33: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:42:24: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:42:24: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:42:41: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:42:41: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:43:00: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:43:00: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:43:15: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:15: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:43:15: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:43:16: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2568 started
Sep 07 10:43:16: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:29: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:43:29: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:43:31: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:31: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 1988 started
Sep 07 10:43:31: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:31: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:31: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2004 started
Sep 07 10:43:31: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:31: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:31: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2008 started
Sep 07 10:43:31: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:34: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:35: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2304 started
Sep 07 10:43:35: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:35: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:35: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2308 started
Sep 07 10:43:35: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:43:45: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:43:45: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:43:59: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:44:00: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3948 started
Sep 07 10:44:00: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:44:27: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:44:27: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:48:06: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:48:06: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:49:31: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:49:33: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3600 started
Sep 07 10:49:33: mks| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:49:33: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:49:33: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:49:33: mks| Detatching local console.
Sep 07 10:49:39: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 10:49:39: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 48000 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 10:49:41: mks| Attaching local console.
Sep 07 10:49:41: mks| Display orientation is default.
Sep 07 10:49:41: mks| Display frequency is 60HZ
Sep 07 10:49:41: kbh| VTHREAD thread 7 "kbh" host id 4088 started
Sep 07 10:49:41: mks| VTHREAD create thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 10:49:41: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Sep 07 10:49:42: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 248 started
Sep 07 10:49:42: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:50:27: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 10:50:27: mks| Detatching local console.
Sep 07 10:50:27: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 11:08:23: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:08:23: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:12:06: mks| Attaching local console.
Sep 07 11:12:06: mks| Display orientation is default.
Sep 07 11:12:06: mks| Display frequency is 60HZ
Sep 07 11:12:06: kbh| VTHREAD thread 7 "kbh" host id 2396 started
Sep 07 11:12:06: mks| VTHREAD create thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 11:12:06: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Sep 07 11:12:06: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 1436 started
Sep 07 11:12:06: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:12:26: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:12:26: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:12:28: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:12:28: mks| Detatching local console.
Sep 07 11:12:28: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 11:13:58: mks| Attaching local console.
Sep 07 11:13:58: mks| Display orientation is default.
Sep 07 11:13:58: mks| Display frequency is 60HZ
Sep 07 11:13:58: kbh| VTHREAD thread 7 "kbh" host id 2388 started
Sep 07 11:13:58: mks| VTHREAD create thread 7 "kbh"
Sep 07 11:13:58: mks| KHBKL: Unable to parse keystring at: ''
Sep 07 11:13:58: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2392 started
Sep 07 11:13:58: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:14:25: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:14:25: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 192 started
Sep 07 11:14:25: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:14:25: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:14:25: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 252 started
Sep 07 11:14:25: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:14:56: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:14:57: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3752 started
Sep 07 11:14:57: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:15:23: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:15:23: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:15:31: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:15:31: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 48000 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:16:18: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:16:19: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 2900 started
Sep 07 11:16:19: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:21:01: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:21:02: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3012 started
Sep 07 11:21:02: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:21:02: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:21:02: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3096 started
Sep 07 11:21:02: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:21:08: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:21:09: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3728 started
Sep 07 11:21:09: vcpu-0| VTHREAD create thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:21:11: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:21:11: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 44099 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:21:12: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:21:12: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 44099 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:22:16: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:22:16: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:22:32: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:22:32: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:23:10: vcpu-0| SOUND: ignoring attempt by guest to specify fragment size
Sep 07 11:23:10: vmx| SOUND: starting channel DAC2 - stereo sampleRate: 22049 sampleSize: 16
Sep 07 11:23:11: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "mouse"
Sep 07 11:23:12: mouse| VTHREAD thread 8 "mouse" host id 3556 started
Sep 07 11:23:12: vcpu-0

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 13.09.2004, 18:48

bau mal die Soundkarte aus deiner VM aus.


Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 23.08.2004, 14:44

Beitragvon microtronx » 13.09.2004, 21:48

continuum hat geschrieben:Hi
bau mal die Soundkarte aus deiner VM aus.


Habe ich getan, und seit dem funktioniert die VM wieder. Mittlerweile bin ich wieder bei meiner alten Vmware 4.0.5.xx und habe keinerlei Probleme mehr. Ich werde lieber abwarten, bevor ich die Vmware 4.5.2.xx wieder installiere. Hatte durch die keine Vorteile.

Danke für Eure Hilfe.

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