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unattended installation auf Windows XP

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 57
Registriert: 07.04.2004, 12:02
Wohnort: Germany / Stuttgart

unattended installation auf Windows XP

Beitragvon cdv » 15.06.2004, 15:31

unattended installation von VMware Workstation auf Windows XP

wie sind die Parameter für eine unattended installation um die Autorun Funktion des CD Laufwerks und die Abfrage nach vorhandenen VM's zu deaktivieren.

Diese Abfragen kommen gewöhnlich bei einer Installation und sind von Hand zu bestätigen.

Die Installation von VMware Workstation soll zu 100% ohne Benutzereingabe erfolgen.

Kennt jemand diese Paramter ?

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 16.06.2004, 16:13

Silently extract the administrative installation image from the VMware Workstation installer:
setup.exe /a /s /v"/qn TARGETDIR=<InstallTempPath>"

setup.exe is the name of the installer on the CD distribution. If you are using a downloaded installer, the filename is similar to VMwareWorkstation-<xxxx>.exe, where <xxxx> is a series of numbers representing the version and build numbers.

<InstallTempPath> is the full path to the folder where you want to store the administrative installation image.

Run a silent installation using msiexec and the administrative installation image you extracted in the previous step:
msiexec -i "<InstallTempPath>\VMware Workstation.msi" [INSTALLDIR="<PathToProgramDirectory>"] ADDLOCAL=ALL [REMOVE=<featurename,featurename>] /qn

Enter the command on one line. If you want to install VMware Workstation in a location other than the default, change the path that follows INSTALLDIR= to specify the desired location.

You may use the optional REMOVE= property to skip installation of certain features. The REMOVE= property can take one or more of the following values: Value Description
Authd The VMware authorization service
Network Networking components including the virtual bridge and the host adapters for host only networking and NAT networking; do not remove if you want to use NAT or DHCP
DHCP The virtual DHCP server
NAT The virtual NAT device

If you specify more than one value, use a comma to separate the values. For example, .REMOVE=Authd,NAT.

Note: If you specify REMOVE=Network, the installer skips installation of certain networking components, including NAT and DHCP. There is no need to specify DHCP or NAT separately .

You may customize the installation further by adding any of the following installation properties to the command using the format PROPERTY="value". A value of 1 means true; a value of 0 means false. If you use the serial number property, enter the serial number, complete with hyphens (xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx). Property Effect of the Property Default
DESKTOP_SHORTCUT Installs a shortcut on the desktop 1
DISABLE_AUTORUN Disables CD autorun on the host 1
REMOVE_LICENSE (Uninstall only) Removes all stored licenses at uninstall 0
SERIALNUMBER Automatically enters the serial number

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