Die Foren-SW läuft ohne erkennbare Probleme. Sollte doch etwas nicht funktionieren, bitte gerne hier jederzeit melden und wir kümmern uns zeitnah darum. Danke!

Drucken aus DOS an Parallelschnittstelle

Hilfe bei Problemen mit der Installation und Benutzung der VMware Workstation und VMware Workstation Pro.

Moderatoren: irix, Dayworker

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.05.2004, 15:52

Drucken aus DOS an Parallelschnittstelle

Beitragvon rti » 19.05.2004, 15:57


ich habe folgendes Problem. Ich habe unter Win XP prof. mit VMWare 4.1 ein MS-DOS 6.22 Gastsystem laufen und möchte daraus z.B. über die Drucken Taste oder den print Befehl an LPT1 drucken. Funktioniert aber nicht.
Was kann ich tun????

Danke für euere Hilfe



Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 19.05.2004, 16:21

Funktioniert aber nicht ist so ein extrem vielseitiger Ausdruck.
Kannst du vielleicht mal etwas ins Detail gehen und deine VMX posten.
Welche Version hast du genau - es gibt kein 4.1.
Ein log in dem ein Druckversuch vorkommt waere auch nicht schlecht.


Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.05.2004, 15:52

Beitragvon rti » 24.05.2004, 08:34

Entschuldigung - Anfänger!

Ich habe Version 4.0.5 build 6030. "Funktioniert aber nicht" na ja, es passiert garnichts.

Meine *.vmx posten? wie mach ich das? Log über meinen Druckversuch?

wie gesagt - Anfänger!

Danke für die Hilfe.

Beiträge: 14759
Registriert: 09.08.2003, 05:41
Wohnort: sauerland

Beitragvon continuum » 24.05.2004, 15:53

in dem Verzeichnis in dem deine VM gespeichert ist findest du eine *.vmx Datei - das ist sozusagen die virtuelle Hardwareliste - und desweiteren ein log. In diesem wird protokolliert was die VM so treibt.
Beides kann man gut gebrauchen um Probleme zu erkennen.


Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.05.2004, 15:52

Beitragvon rti » 24.05.2004, 16:27

hier meine vmx:

config.version = "7"
virtualHW.version = "3"
memsize = "16"
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"
ide0:0.fileName = "MS-DOS.vmdk"
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"
floppy0.fileName = "A:"
Ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
sound.present = "TRUE"
displayName = "MS-DOS"
guestOS = "dos"
priority.grabbed = "normal"
priority.ungrabbed = "normal"

uuid.location = "56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92"
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:da:60:92"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"

tools.remindInstall = "TRUE"

Ethernet0.startConnected = "TRUE"
usb.generic.autoconnect = "TRUE"

sharedFolder0.present = "FALSE"
sharedFolder0.enabled = "TRUE"
sharedFolder0.readAccess = "TRUE"
sharedFolder0.writeAccess = "TRUE"
sharedFolder0.hostPath = "C:\"
sharedFolder0.guestName = "Untitled-1"
sharedFolder0.expiration = "never"
sharedFolder.maxNum = "0"

serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.fileName = "COM1"

parallel0.present = "TRUE"
parallel0.fileName = "LPT1"

sharedFolder1.present = "TRUE"
sharedFolder1.enabled = "TRUE"
sharedFolder1.readAccess = "TRUE"
sharedFolder1.writeAccess = "TRUE"
sharedFolder1.hostPath = "C:\"
sharedFolder1.guestName = "HD-DOS"
sharedFolder1.expiration = "never"

Ethernet0.connectionType = "custom"

undopoints.seqNum = "0"
ide0:0.mode = "undoable"
ide0:0.redo = ".\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524"
undopoint.restoreFromCheckpoint = "FALSE"
undopoint.checkpointedOnline = "TRUE"

undopoint.protected = "FALSE"
gui.restricted = "FALSE"

ide1:0.startConnected = "TRUE"

gui.exitAtPowerOff = "FALSE"
gui.fullScreenAtPowerOn = "FALSE"
gui.powerOnAtStartup = "TRUE"

uuid.bios = "56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92"

Ethernet0.vnet = "VMnet1"

annotation = "Virtuelle Maschine für Visualis-Systeme:|0D|0A|0D|0AName des Host-Rechners: Visualis-xp|0D|0AName der Freigabe für Visu-Daten: Visu-daten|0D|0A|0D|0ASomit wird das Laufwerk D:\ in der virtuellen Maschine auf die Freigabe |22\\Visualis-xp\visu-daten|22 gemapt.|0D|0A|0D|0A11.03.2004 rti/TBE"

usb.present = "TRUE"

isolation.tools.dnd.disable = "TRUE"

redoLogDir = "D:\Documents and Settings\rti\My Documents"

parallel1.present = "FALSE"
parallel1.fileName = "LPT1"

und meine Log Datei

May 24 14:49:09: vmx| Log for VMware Workstation pid=1344 version=4.0.5 build=build-6030 option=Release.4.0.5
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| Command line: "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\bin\vmware-vmx.exe" "-@" "pipe=\\.\pipe\vmx1a45335f6a6c19ba; vm=1a45335f6a6c19ba" "D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx"
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '\\.\pipe\vmx1a45335f6a6c19ba' with user '(null)'
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| VTHREAD declare thread 1 "mks"
May 24 14:49:09: mks| Log for VMware Workstation pid=1344 version=4.0.5 build=build-6030 option=Release.4.0.5
May 24 14:49:09: mks| VTHREAD declare thread 0 "vmx"
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT: Set ConfigVersion to 7
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT: Set HWVersion to 3
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x002e9000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x51080000 size=0x0005a000 name=DSOUND.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x5ad70000 size=0x00034000 name=uxtheme.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000c000 name=ntwrap.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x69500000 size=0x000e3000 name=vmware-mks.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x70a70000 size=0x00065000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71950000 size=0x000e4000 name=comctl32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71aa0000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71ab0000 size=0x00015000 name=WS2_32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72280000 size=0x00028000 name=DINPUT.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73dd0000 size=0x000f2000 name=MFC42.DLL
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74ae0000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76670000 size=0x000e7000 name=SETUPAPI.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76780000 size=0x00008000 name=shfolder.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76b40000 size=0x0002c000 name=WINMM.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bf0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76f90000 size=0x00010000 name=Secur32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x771b0000 size=0x00124000 name=ole32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773d0000 size=0x007f2000 name=SHELL32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c00000 size=0x00007000 name=VERSION.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c10000 size=0x00053000 name=MSVCRT.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d40000 size=0x0008c000 name=USER32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77dd0000 size=0x0008d000 name=ADVAPI32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e60000 size=0x000e6000 name=kernel32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f50000 size=0x000a7000 name=ntdll.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x78000000 size=0x00087000 name=RPCRT4.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7e090000 size=0x00041000 name=GDI32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x4fa2f000, potential=0x50997000 start=0x006e9000
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| CPU #0 TSC = 743598740946
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| TSC delta 0
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 2793182 kHz
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| CPUID numEntries=2 GenuineIntel
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| CPUID (hardware) version=0xf29 features=0xbfebfbff ebx=0x10809
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x00400000 size=0x002e9000 name=vmware-vmx.exe
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x51080000 size=0x0005a000 name=DSOUND.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x5ad70000 size=0x00034000 name=uxtheme.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x690d0000 size=0x0000c000 name=ntwrap.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x69500000 size=0x000e3000 name=vmware-mks.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x70a70000 size=0x00065000 name=SHLWAPI.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71950000 size=0x000e4000 name=comctl32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71aa0000 size=0x00008000 name=WS2HELP.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x71ab0000 size=0x00015000 name=WS2_32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x72280000 size=0x00028000 name=DINPUT.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x73dd0000 size=0x000f2000 name=MFC42.DLL
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x74ae0000 size=0x00007000 name=CFGMGR32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76670000 size=0x000e7000 name=SETUPAPI.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76780000 size=0x00008000 name=shfolder.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76b40000 size=0x0002c000 name=WINMM.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76bf0000 size=0x0000b000 name=PSAPI.DLL
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x76f90000 size=0x00010000 name=Secur32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x771b0000 size=0x00124000 name=ole32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x773d0000 size=0x007f2000 name=SHELL32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c00000 size=0x00007000 name=VERSION.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77c10000 size=0x00053000 name=MSVCRT.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77d40000 size=0x0008c000 name=USER32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77dd0000 size=0x0008d000 name=ADVAPI32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77e60000 size=0x000e6000 name=kernel32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x77f50000 size=0x000a7000 name=ntdll.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x78000000 size=0x00087000 name=RPCRT4.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: DLL load=0x7e090000 size=0x00041000 name=GDI32.dll
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: reached kernel memory at 0x7fff0000
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| GCFMI: free=0x4fa2f000, potential=0x50997000 start=0x006e9000
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| changing directory to D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\.
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| Config file: D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| LOG failed to unlink log file 'C:\Documents and Settings\rti\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-rti-1344.log': The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| PowerOn
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 1"
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.MigrateWS3To4 = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx;
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsReminder = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.motionScroll = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.currentVM = /vm/#1a45335f6a6c19ba/
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.file = D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM.maxNum = 1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 0
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 0
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 808
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 578
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT hints.hideAll = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT pref.view.favorites = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT config.version = 7
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 3
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT memsize = 16
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = MS-DOS.vmdk
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sound.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT displayName = MS-DOS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT guestOS = dos
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ethernet0.addressType = generated
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:da:60:92
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.startConnected = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT usb.generic.autoconnect = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.present = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.enabled = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.readAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.writeAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.hostPath = C:\
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.guestName = Untitled-1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.expiration = never
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder.maxNum = 0
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT serial0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT serial0.fileName = COM1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT parallel0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT parallel0.fileName = LPT1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.enabled = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.readAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.writeAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.hostPath = C:\
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.guestName = HD-DOS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.expiration = never
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.connectionType = custom
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT undopoints.seqNum = 0
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide0:0.mode = undoable
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide0:0.redo = .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT undopoint.restoreFromCheckpoint = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT undopoint.checkpointedOnline = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT undopoint.protected = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT gui.restricted = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT gui.exitAtPowerOff = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT gui.fullScreenAtPowerOn = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT gui.powerOnAtStartup = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.vnet = VMnet1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT annotation = Virtuelle Maschine für Visualis-Systeme:

May 24 14:49:09: vmx|

May 24 14:49:09: vmx| Name des Host-Rechners: Visualis-xp

May 24 14:49:09: vmx| Name der Freigabe für Visu-Daten: Visu-daten

May 24 14:49:09: vmx|

May 24 14:49:09: vmx| Somit wird das Laufwerk D:\ in der virtuellen Maschine auf die Freigabe "\\Visualis-xp\visu-daten" gemapt.

May 24 14:49:09: vmx|

May 24 14:49:09: vmx| 11.03.2004 Michael Pojtinger/TBE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT usb.present = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.dnd.disable = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT redoLogDir = D:\Documents and Settings\Michael Pojtinger\My Documents
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT parallel1.present = FALSE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT parallel1.fileName = LPT1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\License.ws.4.0'
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=288 recommended=288
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| hostMem=508 maxAllowedAll=1024 maxAllowedVM=1024
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| totOverhead=16 checkMemory=1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 288
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x000f28, features 0xbfebfbff
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x1b1fe01
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| APIC: Local APIC at 0xfee00000
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| APIC: IO APIC at 0xfec00000
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| KHZEstimate 2793182
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| MHZEstimate 2793
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
May 24 14:49:09: vmx| location-UUID is 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:49:09: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:49:09: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:49:09: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:49:09: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:49:09: ide0:0| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:49:09: ide0:0| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:49:09: ide0:0| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:49:09: ide0:0| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:49:09: ide0:0| DISK: OPEN ide:0:0 'MS-DOS.vmdk' undoable R[.\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524]
May 24 14:49:10: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524[0]: "MS-DOS.vmdk-s001.REDO_a00524" (0x2)
May 24 14:49:10: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524, 0xa: twoGbMaxExtentSparse, 2097152 sectors / 1024 Mb.
May 24 14:49:10: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened MS-DOS.vmdk[0]: "MS-DOS.vmdk" (0x6)
May 24 14:49:10: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened MS-DOS.vmdk, 0xe: monolithicSparse, 2097152 sectors / 1024 Mb.
May 24 14:49:10: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524 (flags 0xa) as 00CB41C4.
May 24 14:49:10: ide0:0| DISK: OPEN '.\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524' Geo (2080/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0)
May 24 14:49:10: ide1:0| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:49:10: ide1:0| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:49:10: ide1:0| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:49:10: ide1:0| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:49:10: ide1:0| ATAPI_CDROM: cdrom.modeSenseInterval=8
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| TOOLS DnD rpc state already set to 0
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '0'
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.tools.toolsReminder (not shown)
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
May 24 14:49:10: mks| Display orientation is default.
May 24 14:49:10: mks| Dropping display mode (mode isn't supported) <4, 640, 480, 1>
May 24 14:49:10: mks| Dropping display mode (mode isn't supported) <4, 800, 600, 1>
May 24 14:49:10: mks| VGAWIN attrs change: depth 16 r 0x0000f800 g 0x000007e0 b 0x0000001f
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| Using unified VGA.
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| SVGA frame buffer size 0x01000000
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend
May 24 14:49:10: usbEnum| VTHREAD thread 8 "usbEnum" host id 308 started
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 8 "usbEnum"
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:da:60:92
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0x16e0000,0x1000) returns 0x1e7
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages #1
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: Barrier_Last = 1
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" host id 1408 started
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: Setting up interrupts
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: version = 0x14, max LVT = 5
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: LDR = 0x1000000, DFR = 0xffffffff
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: spurious interrupt reg = 0x11f
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: thermal interrupt reg = 0x10000
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: performance counter reg = 0xfe
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: timer interrupt reg = 0x300fd
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 0 reg = 0x1001f
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 1 reg = 0x184ff
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| APIC: local error reg = 0xe3
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: Setting up interrupts
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x2 -> 0xff, entrylo=0x100ff
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x8 -> 0xd1, entrylo=0x8d1
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: NT/Win2000 using the CMOS clock for timer interrupts
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| Monitor initialized: Release.4.0.5build-6030 (gcc). cflags: 0x80004000.000003e0
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x1b1fe01
May 24 14:49:10: ide0:0| DISK: Returning capacity: 2097152
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| VIDE: capacity: 2096640 lba_capacity: 2097152
May 24 14:49:10: vcpu-0| VIDE: (0x1f0) Drive 0 InitDrive cyl/hd/sec=2080/16/63
May 24 14:49:10: kbh| VTHREAD thread 4 "kbh" host id 1412 started
May 24 14:49:10: mks| VTHREAD create thread 4 "kbh"
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| MACVNET: Notification Enabled for Ethernet0
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: dwProvSubType 1
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_5 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_6 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_7 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_8 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_10 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_15 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_20 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: PARITY_NONE supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: PARITY_ODD supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: PARITY_EVEN supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: PARITY_MARK supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: PARITY_SPACE supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_075 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_110 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_134_5 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_150 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_300 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_600 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_1200 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_1800 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_2400 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_4800 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_7200 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_9600 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_14400 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_19200 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_38400 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_56K supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_57600 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_115200 supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_128K supported: no
May 24 14:49:10: vmx| serial0: BAUD_USER supported: yes
May 24 14:49:10: mks| VGAWIN attrs change: depth 24 r 0x00ff0000 g 0x0000ff00 b 0x000000ff
May 24 14:49:10: ide1:0| Winnt_CDROM: Detected a CD-ROM of 'E:\'
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| sz=3009472
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0x00000000) and 0xfc000000(0x00000000)
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to map the SVGA OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to unmap the SVGA OPROM
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to map the SVGA OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to unmap the SVGA OPROM
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10e0 (0x0000)
May 24 14:49:11: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xfd000000(0xfd000000) and 0xfc000000(0xfc000000)
May 24 14:49:12: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
May 24 14:49:12: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
May 24 14:49:12: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
May 24 14:49:12: ide1:0| Winnt_CDROM: Length 24 MaxTransferLength 131072 MaxPhysPages 32
May 24 14:49:12: ide1:0| Winnt_CDROM: AlignMask 0x1 !AsyncEvent !TaggedQ ScanUp PIO
May 24 14:49:13: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 2080 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 2097152
May 24 14:49:13: vmx| VMXVmdbLoadUsbDevices: New set of 1 USB devices
May 24 14:49:13: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:49:14: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 2080 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 2097152
May 24 14:49:17: mks| MKS DIMOUSE done grabbing
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP IN to unknown Register: 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:18: vcpu-0| VLANCE: RDP OUT to unknown Register 255
May 24 14:49:20: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DDB : toolsVersion
May 24 14:49:25: mks| MKS EVENT WM_MOUSEMOVE 22 12 (time 281828) count 1
May 24 14:49:27: vcpu-0| F(127): 0x00a 0x34 #UD count=0
May 24 14:49:52: vcpu-0| F(127): 0x00a 0x34 #UD count=1
May 24 14:50:12: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:50:24: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:53:24: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:54:17: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:54:19: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:55:15: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:55:35: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:55:52: vmx|
May 24 14:55:52: vmx|
May 24 14:55:52: vmx| VMXRequestReset
May 24 14:55:52: vmx| Stopping VCPU threads...
May 24 14:55:52: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 4 "vcpu-0"
May 24 14:55:52: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 4 "kbh"
May 24 14:55:52: vmx| Poll: double lock disable
May 24 14:55:52: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "usbEnum"
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISKLIB-RDAHD : RASTAT | ".\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524" 53 594 1086 223 16
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| AIOPowerOff ide1:0
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| AIOSlave: ide1:0 exiting cleanly.
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| ide1:0 IPC closed the connection with thread VMX (00CB9264)
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| ide1:0 IPC The "VMX" thread exited cleanly.
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| VTHREAD thread 7 start exiting
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| VTHREAD thread 7 exiting, 4 left
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread ide1:0 (0033402C)
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| AIOPowerOff ide0:0
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| AIOSlave: ide0:0 exiting cleanly.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| ide0:0 IPC closed the connection with thread VMX (00C9BAEC)
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| ide0:0 IPC The "VMX" thread exited cleanly.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| VTHREAD thread 6 start exiting
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| VTHREAD thread 6 exiting, 3 left
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread ide0:0 (00333FB4)
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| AIOPowerOff Floppy
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| AIOSlave: Floppy exiting cleanly.
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| Floppy IPC closed the connection with thread VMX (00C7459C)
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| Floppy IPC The "VMX" thread exited cleanly.
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| VTHREAD thread 5 start exiting
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| VTHREAD thread 5 exiting, 2 left
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread Floppy (00333F3C)
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| PowerOn
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 1"
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.MigrateWS3To4 = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx;
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsReminder = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.motionScroll = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.currentVM = /vm/#1a45335f6a6c19ba/
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.file = D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM.maxNum = 1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 0
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 0
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 808
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 578
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT hints.hideAll = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT pref.view.favorites = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT config.version = 7
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 3
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT memsize = 16
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = MS-DOS.vmdk
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sound.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT displayName = MS-DOS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT guestOS = dos
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ethernet0.addressType = generated
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:da:60:92
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.startConnected = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT usb.generic.autoconnect = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.present = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.enabled = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.readAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.writeAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.hostPath = C:\
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.guestName = Untitled-1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.expiration = never
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder.maxNum = 0
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT serial0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT serial0.fileName = COM1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT parallel0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT parallel0.fileName = LPT1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.enabled = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.readAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.writeAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.hostPath = C:\
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.guestName = HD-DOS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.expiration = never
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.connectionType = custom
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT undopoints.seqNum = 0
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide0:0.mode = undoable
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide0:0.redo = .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT undopoint.restoreFromCheckpoint = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT undopoint.checkpointedOnline = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT undopoint.protected = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT gui.restricted = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT gui.exitAtPowerOff = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT gui.fullScreenAtPowerOn = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT gui.powerOnAtStartup = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.vnet = VMnet1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT annotation = Virtuelle Maschine für Visualis-Systeme:

May 24 14:55:53: vmx|

May 24 14:55:53: vmx| Name des Host-Rechners: Visualis-xp

May 24 14:55:53: vmx| Name der Freigabe für Visu-Daten: Visu-daten

May 24 14:55:53: vmx|

May 24 14:55:53: vmx| Somit wird das Laufwerk D:\ in der virtuellen Maschine auf die Freigabe "\\Visualis-xp\visu-daten" gemapt.

May 24 14:55:53: vmx|

May 24 14:55:53: vmx| 11.03.2004 Michael Pojtinger/TBE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT usb.present = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.dnd.disable = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT redoLogDir = D:\Documents and Settings\Michael Pojtinger\My Documents
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT parallel1.present = FALSE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT parallel1.fileName = LPT1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\License.ws.4.0'
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=288 recommended=288
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| hostMem=508 maxAllowedAll=1024 maxAllowedVM=1024
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| totOverhead=16 checkMemory=1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 288
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| APIC: Local APIC at 0xfee00000
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| APIC: IO APIC at 0xfec00000
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| KHZEstimate 2793182
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| MHZEstimate 2793
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| location-UUID is 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:55:53: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISK: OPEN ide:0:0 'MS-DOS.vmdk' undoable R[.\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524]
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524[0]: "MS-DOS.vmdk-s001.REDO_a00524" (0x2)
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524, 0xa: twoGbMaxExtentSparse, 2097152 sectors / 1024 Mb.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened MS-DOS.vmdk[0]: "MS-DOS.vmdk" (0x6)
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened MS-DOS.vmdk, 0xe: monolithicSparse, 2097152 sectors / 1024 Mb.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524 (flags 0xa) as 00CDD47C.
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISK: OPEN '.\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524' Geo (2080/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0)
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| ATAPI_CDROM: cdrom.modeSenseInterval=8
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| TOOLS DnD rpc state already set to 0
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '0'
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.tools.toolsReminder (not shown)
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
May 24 14:55:53: mks| VGAWIN attrs change: depth 16 r 0x0000f800 g 0x000007e0 b 0x0000001f
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| Using unified VGA.
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| SVGA frame buffer size 0x01000000
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend
May 24 14:55:53: usbEnum| VTHREAD thread 8 "usbEnum" host id 868 started
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 8 "usbEnum"
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:da:60:92
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0x16e0000,0x1000) returns 0x1e7
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages #1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: Barrier_Last = 1
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" host id 920 started
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| VMXVmdbLoadUsbDevices: New set of 0 USB devices
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: Setting up interrupts
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: version = 0x14, max LVT = 5
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: LDR = 0x1000000, DFR = 0xffffffff
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: spurious interrupt reg = 0x11f
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: thermal interrupt reg = 0x10000
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: performance counter reg = 0xfe
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: timer interrupt reg = 0x300fd
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 0 reg = 0x1001f
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 1 reg = 0x184ff
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| APIC: local error reg = 0xe3
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: Setting up interrupts
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x2 -> 0xff, entrylo=0x100ff
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x8 -> 0xd1, entrylo=0x8d1
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: NT/Win2000 using the CMOS clock for timer interrupts
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| Monitor initialized: Release.4.0.5build-6030 (gcc). cflags: 0x80004000.000003e0
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x1b1fe01
May 24 14:55:53: ide0:0| DISK: Returning capacity: 2097152
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| VIDE: capacity: 2096640 lba_capacity: 2097152
May 24 14:55:53: vcpu-0| VIDE: (0x1f0) Drive 0 InitDrive cyl/hd/sec=2080/16/63
May 24 14:55:53: kbh| VTHREAD thread 4 "kbh" host id 632 started
May 24 14:55:53: mks| VTHREAD create thread 4 "kbh"
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| MACVNET: Notification Enabled for Ethernet0
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: dwProvSubType 1
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_5 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_6 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_7 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_8 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_10 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_15 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_20 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: PARITY_NONE supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: PARITY_ODD supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: PARITY_EVEN supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: PARITY_MARK supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: PARITY_SPACE supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_075 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_110 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_134_5 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_150 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_300 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_600 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_1200 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_1800 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_2400 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_4800 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_7200 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_9600 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_14400 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_19200 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_38400 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_56K supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_57600 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_115200 supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_128K supported: no
May 24 14:55:53: vmx| serial0: BAUD_USER supported: yes
May 24 14:55:53: ide1:0| Winnt_CDROM: Detected a CD-ROM of 'E:\'
May 24 14:55:53: mks| VGAWIN attrs change: depth 24 r 0x00ff0000 g 0x0000ff00 b 0x000000ff
May 24 14:55:54: vcpu-0| sz=3009472
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf5000000(0x00000000) and 0xf4000000(0x00000000)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to map the SVGA OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to unmap the SVGA OPROM
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf5000000(0xf5000000) and 0xf4000000(0xf4000000)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf5000000(0xf5000000) and 0xf4000000(0xf4000000)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to map the SVGA OPROM at 0xfe800000 (size 32768 bytes)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| PCI SVGA: Asked to unmap the SVGA OPROM
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| SVGA: Unregistering MemSpace at 0xf5000000(0xf5000000) and 0xf4000000(0xf4000000)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering IOSpace at 0x10e0 (0x0000)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| SVGA: Registering MemSpace at 0xf5000000(0xf5000000) and 0xf4000000(0xf4000000)
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| UHCI: Global Reset
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
May 24 14:55:55: vcpu-0| UHCI: HCReset
May 24 14:55:55: ide1:0| Winnt_CDROM: Length 24 MaxTransferLength 131072 MaxPhysPages 32
May 24 14:55:55: ide1:0| Winnt_CDROM: AlignMask 0x1 !AsyncEvent !TaggedQ ScanUp PIO
May 24 14:55:56: vmx| VMXVmdbLoadUsbDevices: New set of 1 USB devices
May 24 14:55:56: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 2080 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 2097152
May 24 14:55:57: vcpu-0| BIOS-UUID is 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:55:57: vcpu-0| VIDE: Curr CHS info cyls: 2080 heads: 16 sects: 63 lba_cap: 2097152
May 24 14:56:16: mks| MKS DIMOUSE done grabbing
May 24 14:56:23: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:56:32: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DDB : toolsVersion
May 24 14:56:32: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:57:41: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:57:43: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:57:57: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:58:02: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:58:28: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:58:35: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:58:59: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:59:08: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:59:11: vcpu-0| Unknown int 10h func 0xfe00
May 24 14:59:30: vmx|
May 24 14:59:30: vmx|
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| VMXRequestReset
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| Stopping VCPU threads...
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 4 "vcpu-0"
May 24 14:59:30: mks| VTHREAD destroy thread 4 "kbh"
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| Poll: double lock disable
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| VTHREAD destroy thread 8 "usbEnum"
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| DISKLIB-RDAHD : RASTAT | ".\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524" 58 695 1233 150 16
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| AIOPowerOff ide1:0
May 24 14:59:30: ide1:0| AIOSlave: ide1:0 exiting cleanly.
May 24 14:59:30: ide1:0| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
May 24 14:59:30: ide1:0| ide1:0 IPC closed the connection with thread VMX (00C5E0AC)
May 24 14:59:30: ide1:0| ide1:0 IPC The "VMX" thread exited cleanly.
May 24 14:59:30: ide1:0| VTHREAD thread 7 start exiting
May 24 14:59:30: ide1:0| VTHREAD thread 7 exiting, 4 left
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread ide1:0 (0033402C)
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| AIOPowerOff ide0:0
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| AIOSlave: ide0:0 exiting cleanly.
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| ide0:0 IPC closed the connection with thread VMX (00CF126C)
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| ide0:0 IPC The "VMX" thread exited cleanly.
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| VTHREAD thread 6 start exiting
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| VTHREAD thread 6 exiting, 3 left
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread ide0:0 (00333FB4)
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| AIOPowerOff Floppy
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| AIOSlave: Floppy exiting cleanly.
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| IPC_exit: disconnecting all threads
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| Floppy IPC closed the connection with thread VMX (07C620AC)
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| Floppy IPC The "VMX" thread exited cleanly.
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| VTHREAD thread 5 start exiting
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread Floppy (00333F3C)
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| VTHREAD thread 5 exiting, 2 left
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| PowerOn
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 1"
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.MigrateWS3To4 = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT prefvmx.mru.config = D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx;
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT hint.tools.toolsReminder = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.motionScroll = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.currentVM = /vm/#1a45335f6a6c19ba/
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM0.file = D:\VirtualMachine\MS-DOS\MS-DOS.vmx
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.openedVM.maxNum = 1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 0
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = 0
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 808
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 578
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT hints.hideAll = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT pref.view.favorites = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT config.version = 7
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 3
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT memsize = 16
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = MS-DOS.vmdk
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sound.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT displayName = MS-DOS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT guestOS = dos
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT uuid.location = 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ethernet0.addressType = generated
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddress = 00:0c:29:da:60:92
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = 0
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT tools.remindInstall = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.startConnected = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT usb.generic.autoconnect = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.present = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.enabled = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.readAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.writeAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.hostPath = C:\
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.guestName = Untitled-1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder0.expiration = never
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder.maxNum = 0
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT serial0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT serial0.fileName = COM1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT parallel0.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT parallel0.fileName = LPT1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.enabled = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.readAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.writeAccess = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.hostPath = C:\
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.guestName = HD-DOS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT sharedFolder1.expiration = never
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.connectionType = custom
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT undopoints.seqNum = 0
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide0:0.mode = undoable
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide0:0.redo = .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT undopoint.restoreFromCheckpoint = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT undopoint.checkpointedOnline = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT undopoint.protected = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT gui.restricted = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT ide1:0.startConnected = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT gui.exitAtPowerOff = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT gui.fullScreenAtPowerOn = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT gui.powerOnAtStartup = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT uuid.bios = 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT Ethernet0.vnet = VMnet1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT annotation = Virtuelle Maschine für Visualis-Systeme:

May 24 14:59:30: vmx|

May 24 14:59:30: vmx| Name des Host-Rechners: Visualis-xp

May 24 14:59:30: vmx| Name der Freigabe für Visu-Daten: Visu-daten

May 24 14:59:30: vmx|

May 24 14:59:30: vmx| Somit wird das Laufwerk D:\ in der virtuellen Maschine auf die Freigabe "\\Visualis-xp\visu-daten" gemapt.

May 24 14:59:30: vmx|

May 24 14:59:30: vmx| 11.03.2004 Michael Pojtinger/TBE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT usb.present = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.dnd.disable = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT redoLogDir = D:\Documents and Settings\Michael Pojtinger\My Documents
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT parallel1.present = FALSE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT parallel1.fileName = LPT1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT priority.grabbed = normal
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT priority.ungrabbed = normal
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| LICENSE using: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation\License.ws.4.0'
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| WSSCAN: reserved mem (in MB) min=32 max=288 recommended=288
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| hostMem=508 maxAllowedAll=1024 maxAllowedVM=1024
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| totOverhead=16 checkMemory=1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| WSSCAN: used rec mem (in MB) 288
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| APIC: Local APIC at 0xfee00000
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| APIC: IO APIC at 0xfec00000
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| KHZEstimate 2793182
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| MHZEstimate 2793
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| NumVCPUs 1
May 24 14:59:30: vmx| location-UUID is 56 4d 65 21 32 3e 65 bb-31 a8 0a dd 80 da 60 92
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:59:30: Floppy| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:59:30: ide0:0| DISK: OPEN ide:0:0 'MS-DOS.vmdk' undoable R[.\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524]
May 24 14:59:31: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524[0]: "MS-DOS.vmdk-s001.REDO_a00524" (0x2)
May 24 14:59:31: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524, 0xa: twoGbMaxExtentSparse, 2097152 sectors / 1024 Mb.
May 24 14:59:31: ide0:0| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened MS-DOS.vmdk[0]: "MS-DOS.vmdk" (0x6)
May 24 14:59:31: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened MS-DOS.vmdk, 0xe: monolithicSparse, 2097152 sectors / 1024 Mb.
May 24 14:59:31: ide0:0| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened .\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524 (flags 0xa) as 00CE890C.
May 24 14:59:31: ide0:0| DISK: OPEN '.\MS-DOS.vmdk.REDO_a00524' Geo (2080/16/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0)
May 24 14:59:31: ide1:0| Msg_Reset:
May 24 14:59:31: ide1:0| [msg.dictionary.load.statFailed] Unable to get information about file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini": The system cannot find the file specified.
May 24 14:59:31: ide1:0| ----------------------------------------
May 24 14:59:31: ide1:0| PREF Optional preferences file not found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\settings.ini. Using default values.
May 24 14:59:31: ide1:0| ATAPI_CDROM: cdrom.modeSenseInterval=8
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| TOOLS DnD rpc state already set to 0
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| TOOLS received request in VMX to set option 'enableDnD' -> '0'
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.tools.toolsReminder (not shown)
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.
May 24 14:59:31: mks| VGAWIN attrs change: depth 16 r 0x0000f800 g 0x000007e0 b 0x0000001f
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| Using unified VGA.
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| SVGA frame buffer size 0x01000000
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend
May 24 14:59:31: usbEnum| VTHREAD thread 8 "usbEnum" host id 1456 started
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 8 "usbEnum"
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VLANCE: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| Ethernet0 MAC Address: 00:0c:29:da:60:92
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VMXNET: send cluster threshold is 80, size = 5 recalcInterval is 2 ticks
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VirtualProtect MapProtectMem(0x16e0000,0x1000) returns 0x1e7
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| Can't read-only monitor pages #1
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: ModuleTable_PowerOn = 1
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VMX_PowerOn: Barrier_Last = 1
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| VTHREAD thread 4 "vcpu-0" host id 1852 started
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VTHREAD create thread 4 "vcpu-0"
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| VMXVmdbLoadUsbDevices: New set of 0 USB devices
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: Setting up interrupts
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: version = 0x14, max LVT = 5
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: LDR = 0x1000000, DFR = 0xffffffff
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: spurious interrupt reg = 0x11f
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: thermal interrupt reg = 0x10000
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: performance counter reg = 0xfe
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: timer interrupt reg = 0x300fd
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 0 reg = 0x1001f
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: local interrupt 1 reg = 0x184ff
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| APIC: local error reg = 0xe3
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: Setting up interrupts
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x2 -> 0xff, entrylo=0x100ff
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: IRQ 0x8 -> 0xd1, entrylo=0x8d1
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| IOAPIC: NT/Win2000 using the CMOS clock for timer interrupts
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| Monitor initialized: Release.4.0.5build-6030 (gcc). cflags: 0x80004000.000003e0
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| cpuFeatures = 0x1b1fe01
May 24 14:59:31: ide0:0| DISK: Returning capacity: 2097152
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| VIDE: capacity: 2096640 lba_capacity: 2097152
May 24 14:59:31: vcpu-0| VIDE: (0x1f0) Drive 0 InitDrive cyl/hd/sec=2080/16/63
May 24 14:59:31: kbh| VTHREAD thread 4 "kbh" host id 508 started
May 24 14:59:31: mks| VTHREAD create thread 4 "kbh"
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| MACVNET: Notification Enabled for Ethernet0
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: dwProvSubType 1
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_5 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_6 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_7 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: DATABITS_8 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_10 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_15 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: STOPBITS_20 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: PARITY_NONE supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: PARITY_ODD supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: PARITY_EVEN supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: PARITY_MARK supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: PARITY_SPACE supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_075 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_110 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_134_5 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_150 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_300 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_600 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_1200 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_1800 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_2400 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_4800 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_7200 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_9600 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_14400 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_19200 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_38400 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_56K supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_57600 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_115200 supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_128K supported: no
May 24 14:59:31: vmx| serial0: BAUD_USER supported: yes
May 24 14:59:31: mks| VGAWIN attrs change: depth 24

Beiträge: 317
Registriert: 02.03.2004, 22:50
Wohnort: Im Urlaub bis 02.08.2004

Drucken unter DOS

Beitragvon HartmutSchaumburg » 04.06.2004, 00:44


einen Parallelport hast Du angeschlosseen, das ist ok, steht auch so im Log.

Wie druckst Du denn?
Nur mit der Taste Print?
Hast Du in Deiner virtuellen DOS-Maschine Programme installiert?
Welchen Drucker hast Du angeschlossen?
Hast Du mit dem Befehl Print den LPT 1 zugewiesen?
Hast Du schon mal aus dem Editor gedruckt?
Wie lautet die Fehlermeldung, wenn Du versuchst, aus dem Editor zu ducken?

Hartmut Schaumburg

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 19.05.2004, 15:52

Beitragvon rti » 04.06.2004, 09:00


drucken möchte ich aus einer Pascsl Applikation heraus, mir würde es aber schonmal reichen wenn ich mit dem "print" Befehl oder der "Druck" Taste was rausbekommen würde.
Wenn ich mit "print" was ausdrucken möchte bekomme ich zwar immer die Meldung das jetzt gedruckt wird es passiert aber nichts.

Ich habe einen Lexmark Z53 angeschlossen.

Editor und Norton Commander habe ich auch schon probiert, ich bekomme zwar keine Fehlermeldung aber gedruckt wird auch nicht.


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